


11 months, 28 days ago


Prudence is rather smug by definition but a Princess none the less and will always find a way to draw the spotlight back onto herself. She is attention seeking, wants to shine, and be known by everyone. While she does like to spill tea, she She's often the subject of most of the gossip. Prudence is overly dramatic but in such a funny way that people tend to like her for it.

She has a very design focused view on everything, including the arrangement of furniture in a doctor's office complaining that, 'The oak table clash too harsh with the teal curtains- oh and the lighting is too cold'. However her constant romanticism of the world around her often lead her to be let down since they don't match her idealized picture-perfect reality.

In her free time she chooses to socialize with her gal gang and taking trips to the roller-rink to roller skate.

Currently Prudence is crushing on her arch nemesis and biggest critic, which is literally the MOST inconvenient person for her to be interested in. Since discovering her feelings for them she has become 'nervous' and 'awkward'; two things Prudence despises.