Evern the Black Arm





SHE/HER - 1504 - ESTJ

"Put a quote here or something."

  • BIRTHDAY May 15th 501
  • RACE Black Arm
  • HEIGHT 3'5
  • WEIGHT Unknown
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Unknown

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Maecenas id sem convallis, venenatis nulla sed, tristique augue. In a varius velit, ut lobortis libero. Donec cursus elit nec risus posuere, ac bibendum metus pretium. Ut imperdiet lacus sed nisi pharetra tempus. Duis varius orci molestie lobortis pharetra. Sed molestie velit vel nisl finibus suscipit. Aenean vehicula rhoncus lacus. Donec blandit, mauris non tincidunt semper, velit neque ultricies justo, ac sollicitudin ex eros sed lacus. Aliquam hendrerit nibh nisi, pharetra aliquet enim ultrices vel. Vestibulum cursus metus at malesuada porttitor.


Evern is known among other soldiers and normal life forms that she has a very cheeky demeanor. Shes very mischevious and is known to sometimes lie to get out of trouble, or even just for fun. She likes to be the center of attention and she loves when she gets what she wants. She seems like the snarky older sister in cartoon shows.

  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here. This box will scroll.
  • HOBBY: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • HOBBY: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • HABIT: Describe habit here. This box will scroll.
  • HABIT: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • HABIT: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • STRENGTH: She can easily read opponents minds, so it gives her an advantage on what move to make next.
  • STRENGTH: She can hover/fly in the air, so she can dodge attacks and it generally just gives her an advantage with most things
  • STRENGTH: Because she was formed from Black Doom, she has tones of strength.
  • WEAKNESS: Shes not the fastest on her feet.
  • WEAKNESS: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • WEAKNESS: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • SKILL: Describe skill here. This box will scroll.
  • SKILL: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • SKILL: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • Insert trivia facts about your character here. This box will scroll.
  • Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.

Black Doom and his soldiers lived on a planet called Serlyn, (sir, lean) which was a long distance away from Mobius, and far from most inhabitable planets, where most life forms thrived and kept peace in. Black Doom wanted to be able to surprise attack these planets, to be able to move onto farther planers and rule the galaxy. Due to this, he preformed an experiment by extracting the DNA of already existing black arm soldiers, and created a replica of the DNA of a normal lifeform, and put both DNA types into a body shape similar to body shapes of the Mobians, (e.g., Sonic, Shadow, Amy) to create a type of soldier that can disguise as a normal life form, and be able to attack, receive information, and general stuff to help Black Doom and his army get slowly closer to ruling the galaxy.

He gave these soldiers genders so that they could blend in more to the general crowd. He spent many months on the studying and creation of a normal life forms body and DNA type. He created many of these ‘soldiers’, with the experiment both failing and succeeding. These soldiers had the correct body type for a Mobian, but had kept the features of a black arm, with the clawed hands and feet, and keeping the unnatural eyes, some with more than two. Even though Black Doom failed his experiment, he kept the soldiers after seeing that they had a higher knowledge level then his normal-form soldiers. He named these soldiers, the Black Fate. They were designed to gain the trust of other life forms, to not instantly attack, so that the soldiers and Black Doom would be more successful in their missions, and main goal. He sent out these soldiers, to Mobius and the other inhabitable planets, knowing that the Mobians and the other life forms weren't smart enough to realise that they were black arms due to the Mobian body structure. Evern, being one of these newer Black Arm soliders, was sent to Mobius, with others to start out as half alien-half mobian to see if they were worth keeping to Black Doom. Evern and a couple other new soliders caught Black Dooms eye, because they were more skillful than the other soldiers. Black Doom used Evern and the other skilled soldiers for more advanced missions. Those few helped Black Doom a lot in his missions and helped his reign succeed over the years.

Evern was especially upset when she found out that Black Doom, and a lot of his soldiers were wiped out and defeated by a creation both Black Doom and an old partner created, named Shadow the hedgehog, when Black Doom decided to go down to Mobius himself on one of his missions. After this, Evern kept watch on Shadow, to one day defeat him for revenge on Black Doom.