Feechi the Dragon



11 months, 23 days ago


Name: Feechi

Species: Upright Dragon

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Occupation: Time Traveler, Advisor to Sumiko

Personality: Feechi's personality is a unique blend of She possesses a fiery and impulsive nature, often showing bursts of enthusiasm and determination. At the same time, she has a calculating and strategic mindset, always thinking ahead and offering wise counsel to Sumiko. Feechi is a spirited and adventurous individual, unafraid to take risks but also mindful of the consequences. She values loyalty, bravery, and possesses a strong sense of justice.


Feechi has a tall stature, towering over some dragons.

She possesses the features of an Upright Dragon, standing on two hind legs with her forelimbs free.

Her scales are predominantly pink, shimmering with an iridescent glow.

Feechi's wings are large and vibrant, with a striking red hue.

Her eyes are a yellow, with red irises, reflecting her curiosity and wisdom.

Feechi's expression is often animated, showcasing her lively and expressive personality.

Dragon Type: Upright Dragon

Habitat: Bog


Supercooled Breath: unlike other swamp dragons, Feechi can breathe out supercooled water from her mouth. Upon contact with an external surface, the water rapidly freezes, similar to freezing rain. This ability allows her to create icy obstacles or encase enemies, providing a versatile means of defense or offense.

World Observation: Feechi possesses the extraordinary ability to observe various worlds at will. She can peer into different realms and timelines, gathering knowledge and insights that aid her in her role as a time traveler and advisor. This power helps her navigate through time and make informed decisions.

Exceptional Swimming Skills: Feechi is an excellent swimmer, gracefully navigating through water bodies with ease. Her agile movements and streamlined physique make her adept at underwater exploration and traversing aquatic environments.


Player combo 1: "うん . " - Yes.

Player combo 2: "なるほど.  " - I see.

Player combo 3: "フーーーンっ! " - Mmm!

Player combo 4: "来るがいい!  " - Bring it on!

Player combo 5: "これで決める!  " - "I'll settle it with this!"

Player combo 6: "わしの勝ちかの! " - "It's my win!"

Player combo 7+: "がぉ! " - Rawr!!!!

Win catchphrase: "これで終わりだ! " - It's Over!

Lose catchphrase: "ウソだろ!?" - It Can't Be!

Character Select/Stage Start Catchphrase: "未来へ、いざ出発!" (Mirai e, iza shuppatsu!) - "To the future, let's embark!"

Light enemy attack catchphrase: "はれれれ〜っ!?" - Owch!

Heavy enemy attack catchphrase: "うわぁぁぁ~!" - Ahhh!