


11 months, 26 days ago



  • Slowking (Galarian)
  • Slakoth
  • Komala
  • Musharna
  • Lucario 
  • Regigigas 



Male (he/them/it)

Likes all genders

Morgrin personifies sloth in its "purest" form. He is apathetic, indolent, and finds pleasure in the slowness of progress. Morgrin embodies a dislike to effort, seeking comfort and relaxation. He gives minimal energy and prefers to remain detached, allowing opportunities to slip by without care. Morgrin often utilizes his manipulative nature to convince others to do their ambitions and surrender to their own laziness.

"Beware the siren call of Morgrin, for its power lies in convincing others to surrender to sloth, allowing their dreams to wither away in the face of laziness and inaction!"


  • Morgrin is believed to be one of the oldest demons in existence, with his origins dating back to ancient times-
  • Despite his role as a demon of sloth, Morgrin possesses a surprisingly dry sense of humor. He delights in delivering sarcastic quips and sardonic remarks, often catching others off guard-
  • While Morgrin embodies sloth and discouragement in others, he possesses a hidden potential. It is said that if Morgrin were ever to overcome his own laziness and unleash his true power, he would become an unstoppable force capable of reshaping entire realms according to his mostloyal followers! But it's only a rumor of cource...
  • Morgrin possesses a mesmerizing and soft voice that can make even the most determined individuals sleepy....
  • Morgrin has been convinced to participate in Pokemon battles, albeit with reluctance. He prefers to let his Pokemon do the work while he lounges on a comfortable cushion, giving very little commands and exerting as little effort as possible.
  • Noticed how weird his body kinda looks?? His followers convinced him to look more human but Morgrin gave up half way... 
  • He is stretchy! 
  • He has 4 eyes!
  • He's Lucario is as lazy as him!! Haha
  • Despite his slothful nature, Morgrin is incredibly cuddly! He loves snuggling up with his Pokemon team and often falls asleep with a smile on his face! Radiating warmth and coziness-
  • Morgrins slowmpaced walks have a charm. When he walks, he contently sways his tail makes for an adorable sight!
  • He's actually quite cute sometimes- Don't you think??