


11 months, 13 days ago


Jackdaw Dauria, originally named "Jack" is the son of a succubus. He was born in hell to his single mother, who has no idea which of the many human males she bedded fathered him. (A common occurence for succubi.) At 18 she evicted him, claiming that he needed to "go upstairs" and not come back until he figured out what kind of demon he is. So, he left hell to reside among mortals.

Once he began living among the humans he discovered many things about himself, such as his love of birds! He affectionately refers to them as "the demons of the sky" and often expresses how cool he thinks they are. (He also finds many of them cute but he would never admit that as it would be degrading to the birds.) He loves corvids the most, especially blue jays, Steller's jays, magpies, and of course: jackdaws.

Jack has a habit of being a heartbreaker, as he will flirt with anyone and everyone. He enjoys teasing people almost as much as he loves sleeping with people. The mortal realm is a bit chillier than hell so he often wears layers to keep himself warm, but he's getting used to the temperature. He found his jacket at a thriftstore and had his current s/o embroider it for him - they broke up pretty soon after that but they're still on good terms. His longest relationship lasted 3 months and 4 days. His favorite place on Earth is Florida, because it's always warm and always chaotic.

He is panromantic (debatably) but homosexual, meaning he'll date anyone but he only sleeps with guys. (Ps. he's a switch.)

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