


10 months, 30 days ago


🩷Son of Loaf and Redd🩷

Gender: male

Age: 4

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Puppy Tiger Dragon

Personality: Grumpy and quiet 

He’s mute and doesn’t really talk. He’s super quiet. He likes being around his momma and daddy. He only mostly smiles when he’s alone. He tugs on his mom and dad when he wants his parents. He loves his parents. Sometimes he’s a lil meanie. He loves his snake plushy. He goes EVERYWHERE with it. There is never a time he goes out without it. 

Likes: His mom and dad, his snake plushy, legos, his tablet, watching cartoons, traveling, he likes going the to beach, gold fish, carrots sticks, chocolate pudding, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, gram crackers, noodles, sleeping, he likes super heroes, he loves painting and drawing(he likes expressing his emotions through art), blue raspberry juice, apple juice, strawberry milk, melon boba, getting his hair brushed, story time

Dislikes: Broccoli, being woken up from his nap, loud noises, big bugs, the dark, being hungry, loosing his snake plush