🦀 Samphire



8 years, 5 months ago


Name Samphire
Nickname(s) Sam
Age Young Teen (~14)
Gender Cis Girl
Pronouns she/her
Orientation Some Flavor of Sapphic
Occupation Gremlin Child
Height ~12 cm
Theme [song]

Species Mothcat
Masterlist #63
Inventory Link
Art Fight Profile

Antenna Leafy
Ears Classic
Mane Classic
Wings Round
Tail Bob
Eyes Heterochromia w/ Round Pupils
Coat Short
Misc [N/A]
Other [N/A]

Personality: Rambunctious, Crude, Spunky, Nerdy, Socially Inept, Secretly Self-Conscious

Likes: Mud, Bugs and Other Creepy Crawlies, "Fun Guys" (Fungi), Pranks, D&D

Dislikes: Bullies

Design Notes:

  • FAT with spindly legs (like a bowling ball on stilts)
  • Scruffy fur
  • Leaf-antennae (a bit crunchy)
  • Heterochromia (gold right eye, red left)
  • Beat-up whiskers
  • Colors/wings inspired by Macrocilix maia

Character Notes:

  • She's STINKY! Smelly child! Smells vaguely like bird poop for some reason???
  • She gets bullied a lot for being a "gross, smelly, immature tomboy", and her response has been to fully embrace those things about herself and rub them in everyone's faces!
  • She may spend most of her time splashing in mud, playing pranks, and making poop jokes, but she's actually a super smart kid! She's great at IDing bugs and fungi.
  • She wins ribbons at the fair almost every year for her entomology projects!
  • She plays a NORMAL Barbarian in D&D with her brother and friends (not a weird broken barbarian like some cats she knows...)
  • She's kind of been adopted as a gremlin little sister of sorts by a group of older teens and baby adults who protect her from bullies and help her feel accepted.
  • She wants to be a forensic entomologist when she grows up!