Cosette Elvire



6 years, 28 days ago


Cosette Elvire

Passionate Talkative Nerdy

Name || Cosette Elvire
Alias || Cos, Fleur-de-lis
Gender || Female
Age || 18
Birthdate || May 1
Sign || Taurus
Species || Transformed Human
Orientation || Pansexual
Occupation || Sentinelle, Ecologist
Status || Single
Birthplace || Versailles, France.


Cosette is a very passionate and talkative person. She gets really excitable over anything to do with the environment, plants and nerdy things. She will talk your ear off if you give her a chance. She likes to debate things and have heated dicussions.

She gets along better with plants then she does with humans but does her best to hold on to her meaningful bonds.


Plants and Roses
The Environment
Studying and Books
Comic Books
Helping People


People who harm the environment
People who harm others
Boring parties or lectures
Being Lonely
When someone ruins one of her comics



When Cosette was young her family travelled from Versailles to Gotham for a business trip. When it was destroyed in an earthquake, she was among the orphans that Poison Ivy took in and she remained in her care loving her like a mother. When the police department decided to spray the park with herbicide, Cosette was affected by it and changed; her powers manifested. She remained with Ivy for a time learning to control her powers.

Around eighteen she decides to move back to France so she can attend school for Environmental Sciences with her powers giving her a slight edge. She created a small Venus Fly Trap that was a bit sentient named Tesla whom she takes with her everywhere.

She eventually joins up with the Sentinelle's.



Parents: Absolon Elvire (father) and Delphine Elvire (mother)
Pet: Tesla


Enhanced stength, agility, senses, endurance and reflexes
Manipulation of Plant Life
Immunity to all toxins, bacteria, and viruses
Mystic connection to all Plants through the Green


Name Means: little thing and all true
Her middle name is Lili.
She speaks two langagues: French and English.
She has a Venus Fly Trap planet named Tesla that she takes with her everywhere.
Is a natural blonde but does like to dye her hair different colours frequently.

This template was created by lowkeywicked. Please do not copy, reference or redistribute without permission