


10 months, 3 hours ago


nameless splatband girl

ella is the only member of the band whos name isnt short for anything because she is a LOSER. when i tried to put her here it posted early when i didnt even touch anything it was really weird. shes a dumbo octopus (u know, the tiny cute ones?) so shes a little smaller than other octolings. her weird fin stuff on her head can move around. she flaps them around when she's excited and her tentacles move to cover her face more when shes embarrassed . she has big eyes like a dumbo octopus bc they live pretty deep underwater and need them to see in the dark. Also, they have blue blood !

shes quite shy and easily flustered. she doesn't get stage fright and doesnt get frightened in front of huge crowds, but she starts blushing when attention is on her or when shes smaller groups. shes seen as "the cute one" by the fans of Whatever the band is called idk. when shes not on stage she mostly keeps to herself. she stays at home reading or doing jigsaw puzzles and crosswords n stuff. she actually enjoys the attention when shes performing but it makes her blush.

she doesnt do turf wars or anything bc she doesnt produce ink and she would probably find it too stressful anyway.