Cao Yingna / 曹瀅娜



6 years, 4 months ago


Name: Cáo Yíngnà
Pronunciation: Ts'ao Yingna
Chinese Name: 曹瀅娜
Onyomi: Sō Eida (そう えいだ)
Style Name: Wénmǐn (文敏)

WIP Summary shiettttt:

Born in 177 on a chilly autumn morning, Yingna is one of the eldest daughters of Cao Cao, and Lady Ding's only biological child. She was very close with her half-siblings that her mother would later raise as her own after their birth mother died. In particular, she and Cao Ang were practically inseparable.

The events at Wan Castle were devastating for her. Not only did she lose her brother/best friend, but her mother's relationship with her father fell apart after Lady Ding blamed him for the death of Ang. In part, Yingna could not help but blame him too - it was an unspoken blame, but it lingered as she comforted her weeping mother. Yingna would never speak to her father of it.

After Cao Cao and Lady Ding divorced, Yingna stayed primarily with her father, but visited her mother when possible and wrote to her. 

Yingna was severely depressed but felt better whenever attending banquets and parties, so she participated whenever possible. She also became more well-versed in politics and literature - anything to get her mind off of her troubles. With this, she grew a better understanding of the way everything worked, but did not yet feel comfortable voicing any opinions.

Later becomes more familiar with Guo Jia after meeting him at a banquet. She does not realize he is her father's strategist at first, but recognizes him when they met once again more professionally.

They became partygoers together after awhile and enjoyed each other's company, with smiles and laughter and a little bit of alcohol.

Shit happens and they eventually go doki doki and marry I hate writing out this part REEEEE

Yingna would later mother their only child, Guo Yi.

Unfortunately Guo Jia kicks the bucket fuckin rip can't have nice things

Yingna and Guo Yi return to her family, where she continues to raise him the best she can.

After being widowed she was known to be rather petty and hold vicious grudges against people she doesn't like. she nasty. unfortunately her boyo catches this w/ his fuckin attitude LMAOO

Other things:

She likes Cao Pi but she wishes he would be a little less tense all the time

Gets along great with the other Wei ladies, enjoys Cai Yan's music and poetry