


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info








Decease and poison





Contract status



Summoned by a noble woman in Lican.
The conditions of the contract that he poisons her some of her competition. But the Mistress jumped over her head when she kept on adding people on the list.
Igirin had fun while it lasted but soon grew bored and didn't see his Master stopping any time soon and it made him pretty annoyed so at the very end of their deal he pressed on additional payment for his services since the contract was extended several times with the promise of payment. The woman though herself strong and clever with all the riches Iggy helped her to get and refused a majority that the demon asked for forcing him to leave. But the contract violation made it's bindings on Iggy weaker, He didn't even blink twice and managed to overpower it's rule of no harm, snapping the woman's neck, which he regretted later for being pretty distasteful for his own taste to kill but it had to be done quick.

Now free from the shackles of the contract  and free to roam the Kingdom as he pleased Igirin made sure to pay his respect to the town of a noble woman that tried to cheat him. With nothing less than a plague that would kill thousands of people of the kingdom and isolating it from all the others for several years. While the epidemic unravelled he made sure to hide himself among humans and show the spectacle being orchestrated by him. The plague would be know as the Black Tongue plague, as it seemed that the inside of the sick would turn black and rot , the first symptom being an appearance of dark sports on the humans tongue that would grow larger until the whole tongue would turn black.

90 years has passed since the epidemic of the "Black tongue" plague  and Iggy is on the search for new inspiration in life.

Charismatic, calm, rational, intelligent, creative, socialite, passionate, perfectionist.
Cruel, calculating, arrogant, cynical, doesn't respect most people and his authority, prideful, stubborn

Solara Cruss - former master, and someone he almost considerate a buddy since they shared the creative ways to use his ability coming up with new deceases and poison, but later on being disappointed in her and in a hurry snapping her neck to brake the contract.

Jigo - WIP