Fiegs (DND)



10 months, 19 days ago


Fiegs Thunderbar


Tabaxi Bard


A tall, average built tabaxi with calico patterning with bright unnatural purple eyes, flowing hair, wearing clean fanciful clothing. It is clear this man is, or at least was, of a noble bloodline. His choice of weapon is a rapier.


-His family was originally from a proud line of tabaxi warriors, but in efforts to gain further power, the previous king formed trade routes with tabaxi and lionen towns-in exchange for allyship. In turn, notable families were brought into "high society" to teach them the ways of man. In turn becoming allies, and noblemen. Despite the noble status of these families, amongst others it was clear that they were taken less seriously than established bloodlines.

-Grew up in a noble family, learned the art of the blade mostly for show as his family always carried rapiers for ceremonial purposes.

-In further efforts to blend tabaxi and lionen nobles in with being people under the king, their traditional names were replaced in common speech with simple, short names more common amongst humans, elves, and dwarves.

-Fiegs is his human given name. It is drawn from his true name "Fig of the Tallest Branch" or, affectionately, Fig. Only his immediate family and ex-lover would likely know him by his full traditional tabaxi title.

-Is the eldest child of two brothers(Jacques/Jay of Roaring Skies, and Edward/Light of Evening Sunset),  and a sister(Mina/Meadow of Rolling Hills), and thusly was expected to carry on the bloodline.

-Fiegs is raised to be a proper nobleman, and has the regular privileges of such titles. Typically he wanted for nothing, and was free to learn the arts he was passionate for and generally do as he pleased as long as it was "proper." 

-Fiegs holds an internalized distaste for humans and likewise humanoids due to the racism he has faced most of his life. Being infantilized and reduced to "kitty" on a good day. The money and freedoms only got one so far when you were nothing more than a kings novelty trophy. 

-Fiegs realizes he is gay early in life when he began figure painting, and found himself fascinated and allured with painting masculine people, and far less interested in the form of women. Perusing books and interacting with his peers, it didn't take long for the realization. Initially, he is horrified, a tabaxi noble that was also gay?(Its a fantasy world so i'm hoping generally queer couples are fine/okay qt least mostly, but for him in noble circles its more frowned upon as there wont be biological heirs to family names in most cases) By the gods he didn't follow was he destined to be hated in his parents social circles?

-Grows terribly fond of his friend, Fiero, a tall, proud dragonborn who sang in a gorgeous baritone voice to accompany his music. They fall from an innocent sort of love, to one that burned deep and passionate. Both being men of the arts their journals filled with pages of dramatic love poetry and they painted eachother as if they were the most fascinating muses in the world. 

-Eventually Fiegs gets caught in a hotel room with Fiero, of whom he had been secretly courting. Not wanting Fiero's name to be smeared, he allows the story to be spun that he, the trickster tabaxi had been the one to manipulate and seduce the poor dragonborn to bed. Of course, that wasn't the case at all, but neither spoke of their love, and understood for both their status and safety they needed to keep it that way.

-Huge fight within family, he sets off both to find independence and to escape the homophobia/violence of his family. Mostly his father, who seemed to have additional paranoia and fears, likely to do with the families relationship with the king–But Fiegs cared little for flimsy excuses. He bid an emotional farewell to his siblings, and mother to some degree, but set off, abandoning his family crest.

-Fiegs gad attempted to run away with Fiero, but was mournfully rejected. Though they had been in love, it seems Fiegs had cared more for Fiero than Fiero had for him-His status, which was mostly preserved, had ultimately been more important. Fiegs would have lived in alleys with Fiero, as long as the two would be together–Fiero did not feel quite that strongly.

-Fiegs only knew he had to start fresh. He wasn't going to give up because he had no more family and the man he loved was actually kind of an asshole! He had his music, and his sword, that's all a man needs. 

-Traveling as a bardic swordsman trying to establish himself and find out who he is beyond a nobleman's outcast gay son.