


11 months, 16 days ago


Lady Gaga
1:16 3:37

inkling | she/her | lesbian | 26

Aurelia, the classy, snobby, and oh so very rich manager behind Grizzco Industries alongside her girlfriend Calypso.

She's the woman famously portrayed as the appeal to working at Grizzco, the money, the prestige, etc. (which, of course, is really unattainable for the everyday Grizzco employee).

  • The life of luxury
  • Haute couture
  • Gold jewellery
  • Frye Onaga
  • The working class
  • Dirt and grime

Damn, it's good to be rich and famous

Lawful Evil | ESTP | Scorpio | Her Playlist
sophisticated aristocratic avaricious

Aurelia holds herself in high regard. She moves through life with an air of class, maintaining a closed off demeanour in her body. She is typically seen with a stoic or judgemental gaze, very rarely expressing emotion.

Aurelia loves nothing more than being at the top surrounded by opulence, especially alongside someone who understands her as well as her girlfriend. And she finds get enjoyment in the finer things in life, art, theatre, fashion, etc. especially surrounded by the same type of high-class people. But people like her are never quite satisfied, always after more.


Just like Paris

5'5" | Average | Feminine

Aurelia is the pinnacle of luxury. Her glamorous appearance feeds the motivations of Grizzco employees, inspiring the unrealistic ideal that through Grizzco, you might just gain even a taste of her lifestyle.

Aurelia is a figure of sophistication and wealth, often draped in custom designer fashion. She wears a fur shawl, awfully resemblant of something, or someone, as well as a golden egg for a hairpiece.. Her vision is slightly impaired in her scarred eye. But try asking her about it and you'll get one that matches.

Important Notes
  • She's never seen not wearing gloves. Constant handshaking and mysophobia don't really mix.
  • She wears a lot of gold, and only ever gold. She won't be caught dead in any other metal.
  • She has a great distaste for Frye Onaga, partly due to the fact they look alike.

Page Six, A-list, gorgeous, face it

The golden child...
Pre-Splatoon 3

Aurelia has never known a life without luxury. Born into a upper-class wealthy family in Inkopolis, she has always been provided with everything she could ever want.

Ever since her childhood years, she has known that with her status, wealth, and appearance, she has a certain power and influence over others. And with her high society social circles, she has many connections to use to her advantage.

After meeting her (future) girlfriend, Calypso Verde, they formed a partnership to work their way up the ranks of Grizzco Industries soon after it was founded. With Calypso's charisma and Aurelia's influence. Together the two of them would stop at nothing to get what they so desire.

Splatoon 3

After gaining a more prominent position and then seemingly taking over the business after Mr Grizz, Aurelia and Calypso worked on Grizzco's image and reputation in order to bolster the company. It is no longer a sketchy building in the back of Inkopolis Square with mediocre advertisements and such, and instead a reputable company right in the public eye.

Aurelia is seen in countless ads, serving as the glamorisation of Grizzco Industries. She's the woman in the spotlight, entrancing young inkfish, getting them hooked on her lifestyle, she's the peak of success. And naturally, that leads these naive individuals straight to the Grizzco building.

If Aurelia was already considered an important and untouchable individual before, she was considered even more so now, especially with Calypso at her side. But since the two of them are now the face of the company, most assume they're the new owners. However they're still only managers, and they still have to work for someone.

Everybody loves an heiress

Aureate affiliations...


Calypso and Aurelia are the absolute definition of a power couple. Though their relationship is somewhat concealed for the sake of the business, there is always a certain amount of romantic tension in their public presence. In fact, they've found it improves their relevance if the people of Inkadia are left guessing...

Despite Aurelia's outwardly stoic demeanour, affection, trust, and mutual understanding run deep with Calypso. And that's a side to her nobody else would get to witness.



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