


11 months, 10 days ago


Name: Theodore “Theo” Florentino Aguilera 

Ethnic background: Mixed race. Native Mexican, Spanish, distantly Italian/African 

Prominent features: Hazel green eyes, subtle freckles on nose, 6’5, downturned nose 

World: Fictional (magical realism) pirate world (colonial/victorian inspired) 

age/birthday: 18, august 5 (leo) 

gender identity/sexuality: male (he/him), bisexual 

appearance: 6’5, with a larger build to show for it. theo has broad shoulders and brown skin, speckled with moles. he’s got mixed family origins, more strongly from italy, spain, and mexico. his eyes are hazel colored, more distinctively green in the sun and a lighter brown in the shade. they’re framed with long, dark lashes. his hair is a very dark brown. nearly everyone mistakes it for black until he’s standing in the sun. his hair is rich in shade and thickness, dark curls grown out just past his ears.  though he tends to only wear lavish, form fitting clothes fit for his status, he actually prefers shirts and jackets to be more loose fitting and comfortable. 

mbti type: esfp-t

personality: theo is an undoubtedly an extrovert. he thrives off of the company of other people, and always seeks to entertain and amuse. he craves attention, whether it be positive or negative. he’s always been popular and well perceived at social gatherings. he has a strong moral compass and a clear picture of what’s right and wrong, and is almost too confident in nature. he had a savior complex, believing that it is his job to help everyone he possibly can in any way (even at the expense of himself, physically and mentally). he’s quite smart academically, but fails at anything involving the creative arts. he probably couldn’t draw anything to save his life. he can be quite clumsy, even if he enjoys physical activity. he would be the first to fall on his face, and the first to convince everyone it was intentional.  he’d rather fake a smile than admit that he’s sad. he’s very much got a case of the oldest child syndrome, constantly fighting the uphill battle of absolute perfection and example to everyone else. 

family: his family historically owned copious amounts of land, and invested in several companies that flourished over time. wealth was always to stay in the family, and they always held a very traditional outlook on family life. theo’s mother is a housewife, with failed aspirations to become a writer. she’s always been harsh in nature, though this could mostly be due to the bitterness towards the way her life panned out (constantly tending to the children and never appreciated). his father has his moments of kindness, but most of his love is fueled with motivation towards upholding their aguilera name. theo is closest to his siblings, his brother (four years younger) and his sister (five years younger). 

backstory: theo has lived a relatively uneventful life. he’s been raised since birth with the sole purpose to carry on his family’s legacy as the first heir to his family’s name. he attends business meetings with his father and is currently a freshman at a university known for accepting sons of wealthy families.