Areus Soma



5 years, 11 months ago


"I don't care what you people think, I know the truth... and that is all that matters."


Energy Level: CXLV
Strength: --
Aura: --
Vitality: --
Resistance: --
Dexterity: --
Stamina: --
Skill: --
Intelligence: --
Persuasion: --
Luck: --
Magic: Void Magic
Paths: (Void Magic)
Untaught Paths: (Chronological Magic),(Ascendancy Magic),(Stardust Magic),(Aura Magic),(Regicide Magic)
Name: Areus
Age: 22-33
D.O.B: 1,007 P.V.E. (Tempest Vessis.)
Gender: Male
Eye Color: An unnatural Purple
Skin Color: Tanned
Hair Color: black
Height: Six Feet Tall
Weight: Two Hundred and thirty one Pounds.
Magic Brand: Eyes, both purple.
Relatives: Sixteen siblings, six sisters, and ten brothers. Seventh eldest of the family. A father and a mother, as well as an uncle.
Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Straight.
Defect: Slowed metabolism, low stamina, difficulty creating muscle and healing from injuries, bleeds easily. Often suffers from internal bleeding.

Clothing: Due to being bed ridden she often wears a medical gown for most of her days, but the few times she is allowed to leave the hospital or go outside she wears as much clothing as possible typically a few sizes larger than she needs to avoid showing off any bulges of fat or skin. She also tends to wear darker clothing in order to stand out less.  

Personality: Areus tends to come off as a little creepy or crazy due to the way she rambles on about things or can switch topics on a dime. She also has a habit of coming off as knowing more than anyone else believing them to all be mindless worms who choose to follow the things placed in front of them without questioning why they are following it, what they are following, and who is placing the things in front of them. She also seems to have a form of PTSD, panicking whenever she hears the word 'Proxy' for some reason. Whenever she is asked she claims her assassin goes by that name and is still after her.

She often raves about her father trying to kill her for 'knowing too much' and that this Proxy is after her hired by her father to take her out. No one believes the assassin is from her father as a king would never do such a thing to his own children, he wants to save them. But they do acknowledge the odd happenings around her and due to her crazy behavior in combination to this, she is on high security lock down. Due to her believing her father wants her dead she refuses to speak about him, and is the only one in the Regime family to have taken on her mother's last name. 

Before this people noted her as being kind of a downer, she constantly whined about things and acted quite spoiled, and would always expect people to take on her problems for her since she was royalty. Often, she'd complain about her problems endlessly to anyone and if anyone tried to tell her that they didn't want to hear it anymore she'd try and twist their words in any way she could to make them seem like the bad guy. 

No one is quite sure which variant of Areus was worse. 

Appearance: Areus is very much on the heavier side with many folds and pockets of fat due to her metabolism being damaged from her experimentation. She has many stretch marks along with scars from assassination attempts on her life. She has slightly smaller eyes than most people do and has a nearly shaven head due to her constantly pulling it out, and the doctors deciding it just be best to completely get rid of it. She managed to talk them into making it an inch long instead of being completely bald.  


Apparently she use to sew for people at the hospital, until she stabbed one of the other patients in the chest thinking he was the Proxy, thankfully the stab victim survived- but she was revoked all activities with sharp objects involved. This also included eating solid food with a fork.

She is arguably one of the weakest in the Regime clan, mainly due to her deteriorating mental state and lack of training any category. Also due to her low stamina and weight.

She has been assaulted many times for speaking out against Atheus as almost everyone believes him to be their salvation. This in combination with the Proxy and her general threat due to her mental instability, plus her fragility, means there is always a security detail with her as an escort at all times.  

Timeline Differences

Regardless of the timeline there will not be much different with her, as she doesn't really impact much due to her absence from the family in terms of which timeline Arcus is in.