


10 months, 28 days ago


nicknames bee (by cyrus)
age 21....?
pronouns she/her :P
orientation bi☆!!!

most normal most silliest human girl!!

☆adhd haver
☆lactose intolerant
☆really wants a pet pigeon
☆bad at skateboarding
☆clumsy/gets injured a Lot
☆can't drive
☆scared of ghosts
☆is being herself

BIRDS (especially pigeons and chickens,) other animals, skateboarding, cartoons, being with her friends

cyrus: her older brother! he basically raised her after their parents lost custody for being abusive and they got put in foster care. she loves him a whole lot but feels extremely guilty for, in her mind, being an extra burden on him, though he doesn't share this sentiment and just wants her to be happy.
val: ghost haunting her dorm room. they become friends despite brie initially freaking out!! and then date later
jay: friend she met in college!! they sit next to each other in class and he introduced her to ana and adriane. they are sillies together.
ana: very cool friend!!! yay for animal lovers!! scares brie with ghost/murder stories sometimes but she doesn't intend to!
adriane: pretty!!! first one in the friend group that brie flirts with and starts dating because she previously thought jay and ana were dating, but ALSO because adri is really sweet and they are cute together. brie finds nice rocks for adriane to add to her collection :)