Covus Faulkner



11 months, 16 days ago


Content Warning!

This character's profile includes sensitive themes like murder and dismemberment. Proceed at your own discretion.
Mansplain, manipulate, malewife.


Most people regard Covey as a freak but in reality he is just a normal guy. He enjoys long walks on the beach, button down shirts, convertibles, and the rush of a good week where none of his rock stars have made the headlines for something obscene. A workaholic with a swarm of birds for a brain, Covey can be skittish at times but mostly holds his own. Ever a businessman, Covey is calculating and usually thinks before acting, unlike his companion, and considers other people’s opinions of him to be paramount to his own ego.

Covey is independent and while not confident, he certainly isn’t insecure. He remains calm and strong against the wills of those who defy him (Robin) but he lets the threat of public backlash guide him in his personal and professional life a great deal. Covey is a strong presence both in stature and in personality and is usually the rock of any singular group, when he isn’t busy worrying. He also isn’t above doing something stupid (see: the tongue piercing) if it means people will listen to him.


Covey was born as an Elk person and lived a happy life until he was around 16. He was accidentally killed when he was taking a walk on a wooded path during a family vacation. The hunter was scared of facing time for Covey's death so he cut up Covey's body and hid the parts around to stop people from finding him. His body layed there for a bit and became the interest of a flock of ravens. Their magic brought Covey's soul back to him and allowed him to reattach his limbs, get home, and continue his life.

What once was small birds crowding around the corpse of a dismembered elk man was soon changed with the magic of the flock and he body raised up on its legs again, limbs held with the magic within the swarm. As the birds converged together the consciousness of Covey was reborn. Through a long and convoluted process (finishing school), he found himself in college for business and management, and finally, in charge of the next big rock band, Pretty Revolution, and by extension, Robin Alder-Banks.

In his time as his manager, Covey has been Robin’s damage control and that’s how they both like it. Covey carries his belongings, Covey does the scheduling and prep for things, Covey is the backbone of Pretty Revolution in a way fans couldn’t imagine. With the band so popular he has let himself be a bit more lax but still has to play media when Robin decides to act on his bleeding heart. He works every day of his life and would welcome a nice little vacation.

Personal Information

Covey can be seen wearing thick silk bracelets around the middle of his limbs (which he usually further hides with long sleeves and pants). To other people this is a subtle fashion statement, but Covey wears them to cover scars from his dismemberment, which he is kind of insecure about.

As a personal power, he can create birds from thin air at any given moment. As long as at least one of his birds survives, the magic of the flock will allow him to reconstruct his body. Covey keeps at least one bird in a cage in his apartment mostly as a backup plan because of this.