


10 months, 22 days ago


Photo of Milford Sound in New Zealand

Credit to Weirdo_tm

”After all, I am nothing but my mothers daughter. Vengeful, arrogant and cruel.”

Basic Information

Gender - Female

Pronouns - She/her

Sexuality - Straight

Birthday - 14th of September

Star Sign - Virgo

Blood Type - O Negative

Themesong - Empty Page (single verison) by The Crane Wives

Occupation - Formerly: High General, Executioner and Assassin for the Zephron Empire Currently: Assassin for Sariel‘s group

Voice claim - N/A

Likes and Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
When she wins in any sort of competitionBeing ordered around
Chocolate or anything sweetIncompetent or idiotic individuals
Honey with toastSexism 
Star gazing outsidePeople talking with their mouths full of food
flying through the skyArrogant men
CavesBeing manipulated by someone that she trusted
People she trustsWhen someone can’t walking in a straight line next to her
Falling asleep to the sound of rainExtremely cold weather
taking a stroll at nightHer biological family
Beer specifically but she‘ll drink any alcoholic beveragePeople stopping in the middle of the walkway 


It's a massive work in progress so please ignore anything that doesn't make sense for my sake :'D




Kira was born to a wealthy couple of Nobels that lived in Zephron Empire's upper city, both of her parents were apart of 12 council members that were directly under the monarchy power. They all made slightly less important decisions which usually just involved the approval of certain builds and projects for warfare, trade, etc, as well as trials and such for criminals. Kira was the second daughter of two children, she has an elder sister called Dahila. 

Not finished! Will be adding more soon! :D


This is about Kira's feeling about specific characters that have somewhat of an importance in her life in one way or the other.




Bellona - Mother

Bellona was a high general like Kira when she was younger, she was arranged into a marriage to a male councillor by her family and fell pregnant with Dahlia shortly after the wedding, that was when Bellona decided to retire from being a general to be able to raise her daughter and make sure the baby was as healthy as possible since she actually wanted to have a child.    

Uriel offered her a place as a council member so she could still earn money by herself without needing to depend on her husband. Bellona didn’t like the councillor position at all but stuck with it because it allowed her to spend time with Dahlia because all the councillor had to do was go to meetings a few times a week at the palace.   

When Kira was accidentally born, Bellona hated her because she wasn’t her husbands daughter, but a different person that she had been having an affair with. Bellona knew this from the moment she found out she was pregnant and knew that somehow her husband would find out, so she drank as much alcohol as she could during her pregnancy so the baby would die. Though Kira did not die in the womb despite the alcohol. 

Kira was never fully aware why her mother hated her so much and encouraged her father to hate her as well until she was an adult and told by Bellona why she hated her so much. Kira herself has hated her mother most of her life.


Dahlia - Half-Sister

Dahlia is Kira's elder sister and her only sibling. Dahlia is everything Kira isn't and what their parents want and expect her to be. Dahlia tries to be the best sister she can for Kira, checking in with her often, and basically trying to stick out for her, though she doesn’t stick up for Kira when it’s their parents.

Though often she has a bit of trouble seeing Kira's actual emotions and feelings which causes their relationship to shrivel up over time. Dahlia is also blissfully unaware of Kira's jealousy of her, which breaks up their relationship even more. Kira often suspects that Dahlia is fully aware of how she feels and simply enjoys her suffering.


Uriel - Former Mentor/Friend??

Words Words Words :) (add later when I have some time ✨)



This is about Kira's powers or abilities that she uses in battle.




Kira’s main ability is the power is be able to use any one else’s magical abilities that are in a certain range of her. She can only use one other person’s power at a time for herself. She can use that persons power for as long as she wants but when that person leaves her radius she can not use their abilities anymore. This ability also allows her to sense other people around by their abilities.