Jeremy Lovett (coding)



10 months, 1 day ago


Jeremiah Lovett

Male ; FtM



Botany Student


Voice Claim

Deckard - Bee and Puppycat
DoB July 13
Sign Cancer
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Bisexual

Height 5'9
Weight 172 lbs.
Eyes Olive
Skin Dark cool-toned tan
Hair brunett


Jeremy is a botany student who is also minoring in photography. He loves to read, his favorite genres being classic literature and poetry. Jeremy is also a big nature guy, and spends most of his free time tending to his garden and many indoor plants. He has a job at a coffee shop... that also happens to sell plants!


  • Jeremy is vegetarian.
  • He has a pet black kingsnake named Georgie.
  • He wants to open his own plant nursery.
  • He can play piano.
  • Dispite a fear of needles, Jeremy has his ears pierced, and stretched to a 2g, as well as a septum ring! He also has a simple tattoo on his left arm of a snake.

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf
Dom. hand Right
Attitude Optimistic
Archetype .
Leading trait Compassionate
Biggest flaw Pushover


Avocado Toast

Iced Matcha

Fresh Rain




Tied between Autumn and Spring





Jeremy grew up in a small town with his mother and father, as well as his older sibling, Oliver. He and Oliver were relatively close in their early years, but lost most contact when Oliver moved out. They still meet up from time to time now that they're both adults... and now that Jeremy's roommate, Mike, is dating Oliver. Jeremy's relationship with his mother was good, but she passed away when he was only 14. After this, Jeremy's father grew cold and distant. As much as he loved and cared for Jeremy, looking at someone who resembled his wife almost perfectly was too hard. So, he distracted himself with his work. He and Jeremy are barely on speaking terms.

Jeremy didn't realize he was transgender until his early teen years. He always knew something was... off about him, but he was never able to truely identify what it was until he started looking into the things he was feeling. When he realized that what he was experiencing was gender dysphoria and that he was transgender, he went to his mom about it. It took some time, but Jeremy was eventually able to get on hormone blockers. Unfortunately, Jeremy's mother only lived for a few years after this until she passed.


Jeremy is a college student currently studying botany. His father pays for most of the school fees, just as he had paid for... quite a lot while Jeremy was growing up. Jeremy’s dad makes enough money for them to be upper class, so his dad also has always had way money than he knows what to do with. Because of this(and possibly to make up for his emotional and physical neglect) he's typically allowed Jeremy to have access to the money and use it for whatever he wanted. Jeremy has never been a selfish person. Sure, he would use it for personal spending as well, who wouldn't? But quite a bit of it had been saved, donated it to charities or petitions., etc. He saved up enough money over the years for a future home and for his top surgery. He isn’t a lazy person either, so he did get jobs as a teenager and in college; even if he didn’t need to.

Even if he had a lot of money as a child and even now, he’s by no means spoiled. He had to learn everything on his own once his mother had died since his father was never around. He never grew up with things being done for him or just given to him. \He doesn’t flaunt having money. He doesn’t have a fancy car, or buys designer clothes or anything like that. He does pay for people though. Eating with a group of friends? He pays even if they object. A stranger doesn’t have enough for their groceries? He’ll cover the rest of the cost. In the drive thru? He’ll pay for the person behind him. He doesn’t do this in a ‘oh look at my money’ kind of manner. He does this in simply a way to help other people.



  • Gift-giving
  • Photography
  • Nature
  • Gardening
  • Poetry
  • Peppers
  • Storms
  • Velvet
  • Loud Noise
  • Crowds

It takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations - Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur