Beety the Beetlefolk



11 months, 10 days ago


Beety born into a tribe of violent possibly "evil" Beetlefolk was set on a path of violence.

But one day a chance encounter would change this after an adventurer clad in golden armour saved him from a beast of the swamp. Being absolutely infatuated with the shine given off by his saviour's armour (and under the assumption that he too was an insectfolk of some sort) he'd ask how the adventurer aquired such a a unique "carapace". Sensing a chance to set this young bugs path straight, the adventurer told a little white-lie informing him that an insect folk's carapace becomes more gold the more good deeds and glory one achieves.

Just like that Beety's goals would be set in stone, following the path of his hero he now also journeys off to become an adventurer. His will to be a morally good bastion leading him to become a paladin of the oath of glory chasing the gold carapace he knows he can achieve.