Warpa's Comments

Sorry to bother you! But I noticed that this design was up for trade and i am very interested in trading for them. I hope this isn't too forward of me, but what are you preferences when it comes to trades?

hi! yes he is for trade! im looking at character trades (doesnt need to be cs, will look at one offs) or cash (if the warpa group allows ill need to check if hes able to be sold)

Sorry for the late response I had a busy work day! From what I remember, based on the myo proof, it might only be available for trade since it was a free event myo? But there is a section of the TH group where you could ask about it called the appraisal center!


actually, it looks like they totally missed this guy when uploading to the ml despite him being approved :/ in the meantime as i get this sorted ill look at characters? or u can dm me on discord @ candelee

Oh woops! That's not good 😅 hope they'll be able to figure some stuff out!

And sure thing I'll message you via discord if that's easier!

up to you! <3

i got an update! hes not elligable, so ill look at any characters your willing to trade! cs or otherwise

1 Replies