


11 months, 10 days ago


he’s named after the deer “cervus”. This is because of his signature deer skull. When he was younger he found the skull near his parents grave from then on out he carries it as a memorial.  He’s temperamental and because of that is seen as a loner by many. Not a lot of dragons know him very well as he’s naturally secretive and doesn’t share a lot about himself. This may come off as off putting when first getting to know him. Most view him as scary and tend to try to avoid him.


Wip of his pet and job? I was told to wait to add a pet till they update that part of the mesa wing species so for now I’m just writing it here so I won’t forget about it 

He’s a falconer who loves to work with birds. He’s best friends with a Ferruginous Hawk named [insert name]. Whenever he works with birds he feels calm. He never gets temperamental with birds as he thinks they’re extremely alike. He found his hawk [insert name] injured and bearly alive. He’s not much of a caring dragon yet for some reason he felt the need to help this poor creature. So he took it under his wing and nursed it back to health. After the hawk was healthy he tried to set it free but the bird just wouldn’t leave his side. Ever Since that day forward [insert hawks name] has always been close to Cervus to the point where they could be considered inseparable. He took up a career as a falconer not long after. He wears the skulls of all the fallen falcons that died during training, battles, hunting, or disease. They were mostly not under his full care as he works with other falconers ( if you can call it that he mostly just tolerates them) but he still wears them around his neck as a memory of them.

He thinks that if he were the one taking care of them they wouldn’t have died.