


11 months, 10 days ago


Trinity is small, about 3 feet in height, but more than makes up for it in boundless energy. She never seems to run out...except when she does and will simply drop to take a nap wherever she is. She loves nothing more than to hang around her big brothers, Sunrise and Moondrop and help however she can corralling the kids at the daycare. She's always designing fun games or making/drawing something. A bit of a nightowl, though and is sometimes more active after the lights go out, being able to see in the dark. She has since learned how to play quietly, however, or Moon would put her in time out for waking the kids.

  • Her brightly striped pants have a single stripe that glows in the dark and her overall color scheme is blue tones. 
  • She's as mischievous as the cat she resembles and has a wanderlust a mile wide.
  • often tries to take Moon's hat and wear it herself.
  • The 'whisker' points on her cheeks can flatten and spin when she's surprised, but are made of a soft rubber so they cannot poke anything.
  • Trin can climb just about any surface and bend any which way like a master gymnist. 
  • she's afraid of heights, but constantly climbs....
  • hoards shiny things