
8 years, 9 months ago



           ↳ 5" Flat with downward pointed elf ears, has bandages on her right ; horn, cheek, forearm, and thigh
           ↳ her sclera's are black and her eyes are red with squiggly red on her inside as her iris's, she has messed up hair which usually cover her ears instead of showing them
           ↳ wears mainly baggy clothing, which are usually torn. Although not smelly at all they look rather dirty.
           ↳ become stronger, faster, more durable, by the deaths of others, and enhances her existing powers 
                ↳ only works with fresh deaths around her, can not be a old corpse
            ↳ able to teleport with dark energy in the form of clouds
            ↳  can unleash unstable magical energies which can destroy ghost like entities 
            ↳ capable of sensing the coming of death, able to determine when someone is dead or dying or if others have died in a specific location
            ↳ able to rapibly heal from any injury
                ↳ if damage is too fatal, can not heal. also if head is removed she cannot reform
            ↳  has an artifical heart which was created so she could forever be in pain
                ↳ heart cannot be damaged due to being able to recreate itsself, but if contact with head comes off then she is not able to regenerate

           ↳    quiet       ↳   clumsy      ↳ easily frightened      ↳  speaks when spoken to     ↳    level-headed     ↳ cold       ↳    distant
           ↳ she is cursed  with a parasite that slowly eats her body away, and when large amounts of flesh is eaten off she is bed ridden for about a week, for when the flesh beings to grow back she is agonizing pain
           ↳ although being in neverending pain, she is friendly to the parasites that are consuming her
           ↳ even with death she finds beauty in everything 
           ↳ she is approached when someone needs information on such things

           ↳ learning new information
           ↳ plants
           ↳ rain
           ↳ reading
           ↳ speaking to others

           ↳ being bed-ridden
           ↳ having to talk first
           ↳ meeting new-rude people
           ↳ being spoken down to
           ↳ when others mistrust her information