Akiko's Comments


I'll take 30! My PayPal is [email protected] ^w^ lmk when it's sent!

Hello ! Anything to this folder: https://toyhou.se/PumpkinStokage/characters  , would interest you? :)


If none of thise intrest you i coukd dig up afew more im willing to trade! Im happy u pi king multiple ocs to take! :D i absalutly love this guy!!

Aa! Just saw hes money only! He was up for trade on the tabs so im sorry! Perhaps a hokd wpukd be ok? I could do 20Gbp

I'll take that! How long do you need me to hold for? I usually preffer 48hr or less

Ah i need ro pay off another character then i was gunna get this guy! Maybe abt a week? Qvq sos if its abit ling

No worries, I can't hold for a week but I don't think he'll be sold xP

If he's still available in a week shoot me a dm!

Hiya! Are you still interested?