


11 months, 9 days ago


Name(s): Swirlipede, Swirly, Milli Pete

Pronouns: any

Age: 16 yrs, teen

Size: About labrador sized

A weird little shapeshifter with the tendency to poke their nose in business they find interesting. Dedicated question-asker and party-crasher, fe acts out their many personas via various forms to address situations in fun and dramatic ways. On a journey to discover themself and try out almost every role he can stick himself into.

Almost all Swirlipede forms are a conscious creation, taking inspiration from the world around her as they wander the planet. 

Ze embraces the world of invertabrates and chooses only the "coolest" ones to add to his form roster, showing disintrest in ones that are "boring" and already universally liked (which is why they're not interested in butterfly/moth forms, unless they can find a species that looks particularly gross/metal. Ve took interest in ladybugs because of their voracious, carnivorous appetite and because their larvae look especially sick)
These forms can be useful in navigating any environment, with abilities such as flying and digging and stinging allowing easier travels across the world. 

However, Swirli primarily uses them as a form of self expression, changing to different things when they feel the conversation calls for it- they often act like an actor in a play, exaggerating their character and adding flourishes whenever they can. Few of these forms are ever unconsciously changed into, or an actual reflection of their emotional state- instead, they act like costume changes that Swirli has full control over.
Not many other shapeshifters have this amount of natural flexibility and control over their forms, so they're viewed as a bit of a biological enigma.

As Swirli's introduced to more invertebrates to take inspiration from, more forms are bound to develop, so the list remains ever-shifting. Default form is based on a giant american millipede.