Yanick Langbroek



1 year, 2 months ago


Gender: Male

Age: 32

Birthday: October 17th

Height: 7’ 8”

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Green

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: Nature Guide

Loves: Autumn, Warm Campfires, Ripened apples

Hates: Heavy Rain Storms, Injuries that make it harder to traverse the world, rotten fruits

Yanick is a deertaur who has lived in the forests since his birth, with little interaction with the world and people outside of the wilderness. His interest did peak when he was 14 years old when he found someone lost and injured, unable to move. Yanick helped the person find his way home and was saved in the end, though The Order made his existence hidden from the world.

As he grew older, he began studying more ways of survival, from making his own herbs to helping with fractured bones. With this knowledge, he kept on helping those being lost in the forest and those that are too broken to move on their own. By the time WW3 came around tho, he began helping people look for shelter and safer areas, as well as helping the wounded hide and heal. After the war, he was recognized for his bravery and returned to the forests to help with the restoration. Now he’s a nature guide, helping others explore the wilderness, while also teaching the next generation how to survive and thrive in the woods.