COMMISSIONS!!'s Comments

I love your art! It's super cute! ^^
I was wondering if there was a limit of how many pieces a person can commission you are a time? :3

Hello! Sorry for the delay, I was studying. Well, to answer your question, there is no specific limit for the pieces that a customer can order, you just have to take into account that the more pieces you order, the longer the delay time, basically the main requirement is patience hehe

By any chance would you be able to do a two sided ref in your chibi style? :0 I’m not sure if you do that sort of thing or not so I figured I’d ask!

Sorry for the delay, i can do that, but i need to see the character to give you the total price :3

Here's a example (some old, sorry) of how i do the chibi reference, no worry, i can do one in front and the other looking the back of the character


I was hoping to get a ref sheet of this guy!

He doesn't have an actual back design though, so I'd be willing to possibly pay a bit extra to have it designed in addition (If that's at all a possibility of course!)

oh okay, well, the price would be $42.60, if you don't like the price, please tell me. Oh and it is worth mentioning that, at least it takes 2 weeks, but due to my studies and my degree thesis it may take me a little longer than estimated, although I always try to give updates on the commission, I mention it in case you have any problem with waiting time 👉👈

hi! how much are chibi icons? :)

Hii, my chibi icons cost $5.50, but depends in the complex of the character designs the icon would cost more :3

okay !! id be interested in getting two, can I dm you?

ofc you can!!

Hello darling! Are these open perhaps?

yep! my comms still open :3

Me acabo de dar cuenta que ambos somos de venezuela AJAJAJAJ que pendeja soy, está bien si te mando dm para preguntar más sobre tus comis?

a la madre JSDFKLSJ, no te preocupes, y con gusto te atenderé así que adelante con enviar el dm ^^,

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yes, i have ko-fi ^^

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oki ugu

I’m interested in a chibi fullbody with base color but what Pay method do you use? I have Cashapp :”)

Oh sorry, but i only accept paypal:(

Aw man :(

Hii! I’d love to dm you about your commissions if they’re still open! Hope you’re having a good day ^^

Ofc!, My comms are still Open, You can sed me a dm :3

hi!! i’m just wondering would two full bodies with just a color base be $16.50? :) my general idea is my ocs, mat and kaz wearing these outfits from the barbie movie (mat in the pink barbie one and kaz as ken)

also would you be ok with drawing a more muscular character? (mat is quite muscular)

thank u and it's totally okay if not!
i hope you have a good day!! :)

Hi, sorry for the delay, I don't have internet right now, so communicating is complex!

 Even so, I will gladly assist you <3, and well, I am fine with all the details you have given me, and well, the total price would be $17,76, this is because the clothes have some detail, I hope it is not a problem 

I'll be leaving you my paypal by Dm and well, would you like to give any suggestion for the pose of both or would you like to leave it in my hands?

that's totally fine :) it would be cool it mat would be flexing his arm or something and kaz was just standing there and looking up at him with a confused expression, i have a quick drawing of it but idk if it'll really help since it's a bit messy, u can change it n make it more dynamic or whatever :)


also mat is 6'5 whilst kaz is 5'8, so they have a sort of big height difference, just thought to mention that :)

sending the money now!!

hello! i'd love to dm you about a commission inquiry if possible! and, do you have any limit for how many commissions one person can get from you at a time?

Hello! I can attend you with pleasure, and well, I don't have a limit to the number of pieces of art, only that you should be aware that the more pieces, the longer it will take me to make them ^^, but there would be no problem

Hi! Could I snag a few more chibi icons?

ofc you can!, tell me in DM about the details :3

Heyo! Could I get a Full color Fullbody with an extra chara? Lmk if you're unable to do either of them for any reason!

Hello!, sorry for the delay, I'm a little busy, would you like me to send you my discord, twitter or instagram so that you can better tell me the details of how you want your commission? It's to give you a more or less exact price :3

You're perfectly fine! Discord or Insta works perfectly for me ,, whichever you're most comfortable with!

Okayy, my discord is thedevildemon, send me the request and write me all the details for your commission

hiii! Could I get a chibi headshot (flat colour one) for And, do you take small holds? (only for a day or two^^")

Hello!, I'm sorry for the delay, but I can do it, only the only problem is that to be able to even start with the sketch I need 100% of the payment, but I'm not in any hurry! If you want I can leave you my paypal by DM and when you can make the payment, let me know so I can start with your commission! ^^

No worries! You can just leave me your PayPal by DM and I'll tell you once I pay! How much do I pay?^^

Well, right now I'll give it to you, the cost to pay would be $5.60 ^^

Hi! Would you be able to do something like the avatar for this post for my guy? :0

oh, you mean a chibi icon?, if so, I can do it!, the cost would be $5.50 ^^

Yeah! :)

ok!, i'll be sending my paypal, soon I will start with your drawing ^^

Could I also snag another commission?

ofc you can!, tell me about the details :3

6 Replies

I will be backk!

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Of course you can! Send me a DM with all the details of how you want your chibi and what style of coloring you want :3