Ebony Librarian Zircon



10 months, 26 days ago


Ebony Librarian Zircon



Gem Placement

Lower Back

Era Made

Era 1





MoHs Scale



Got via Trade

The personal Zircon for White Wine Sapphire, the owner of the House of Knowledge, the Empire’s largest library. Ebony is the library’s main librarian as her main would suggest. She’s one of the older Zircons in the Empire, making her much wiser and more experienced than most of her fellow Zircons. Now, within the library she is the gem that most gems visiting will meet instead of her Sapphire. When it comes to helping gems, Ebony is more than effective at it, having memorized the Empire library like the back of her own hand, it is frankly amazing how she does it. She isn’t as flawless as she seems, however, her one downfall is her current co-worker, or at least the gem that has been defined as her co-worker. Monochrome Zircon, a Zircon who’s been through a number of different co-worker Zircons, each one mysteriously vanishing and many gems suspect Ebony will fall into the same fate, but she won’t if she has a say in it.

If you are going to talk in here, do it quietly.

- Ebony Librarian Zircon

The Sunrise Court


  • While she doesn’t hold negative feelings towards Monochrome, she doesn’t give the most favorable opinion on him since he’s a klutz and generally not good to have in the library.
  • Her favorite book within the library recounts the tale of White Snowy Diamond’s creation in the restricted section. Giving Ebony knowledge of the Eden Faction, a rare gem who does know.
  • Speaking of which, Ebony is actually in contact with a lot of gems and factions outside the Empire, including some of Monochrome's old co-workers. She won’t tell him or anyone for personal reasons.
  • She’s a very private gem and as much as she displays herself as a welcoming gem, she has a lot of secrets.