


6 years, 25 days ago



"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."

  •  >Duckbelly
        prefix meaning >Duck (After his fluffy and orange coat.)
        suffix meaning >Belly (Named for this relaxed and calm nature.)
        previous names >Duckkit, Duckpaw
    nicknames >Duck

    clan >CloudClan
        previous clans >CloudClan
    rank >Warrior
        previous ranks >Kitten, Apprentice
    mentor > Oakleaf (A russet red she-cat with speckled markings and white chest, and gold eyes.)
    apprentices > None
        current > xxx
        previous > xxx

    age >19+ Moons
    gender >Male
    sex >DMAB
    sexuality > Homosexual

basic description > A short and beautiful long haired tom cat with a warm orange flame points, a striped tail and greyish blue eyes, a scar over his left eye and small blue and yellow flowers decorating his coat.

build >Short and bulky
fur description >Long and silky
breeds >American longhair Siamese, Abyssinian, Maine coon, Moggy

height > 19 cm (Short)
weight > 11 lbs (Heavy)
voice >
>Wildflowers and warm breeze

scars >Two scratch scars over left eye
accessories >Complex Accessory: Blue wildflowers and petals in fur.
banned traits > Minor Ban: Impaired vision in left eye due to injury.


Positive Traits
positive >

    >> Charming: Duckbelly has a great way of talking to others and being very charming. He is easy to get along with and enjoyable in small doses for most. Duckbelly tends to use his charm to get what he needs or wants and enjoys making others feel flattered or happy. This charisma is one of his strongest skills and makes him somewhat diplomatic as he has an alluring and calming mind set that others can usually agree with. His agreeable and logical mind usually gets Duckbelly out of trouble.  

    >> Kind: Despite being a huge flirt and seeming very disingenuous in most- there is a deep rooted kindness within Duckbelly that is very genuine. He wishes to make others happy and want to be around him. It’s important to be perceived in the best light and to be loved and enjoyed by all those he meets. He does NOT like to be disliked. It often bothers him and will eat away at him. Duckbelly often gives gifts and compliments to his friends and even strangers to create a shallow bond with them.

    >> Witty: Duckbelly is thoughtful and sweet- but he is sharp tongued. He enjoys flirting and making others feel bashful and embarrassed. This witty tone makes banter with him very fun but can get him in trouble from time to time. His intelligent and arrogant nature comes out a bit in this trait- but usually others find this rather amusing.

neutral >

    >> Spunky: Flirty and outgoing, Duckbelly is calm and collected, but likes to have a good time on his own terms of course. His spunky and witty dimenor is alluring and enjoyable to most- though troublesome to others. It really just depends on who he’s with and if they enjoy banter and breaking the rules and Duckbelly loves to live on the edge of trouble. 

    >> Easygoing: Duckbelly is lazy but is described as light hearted, and carefree. An easygoing and relaxed aura radiates from Duckbelly making it easy to feel comfortable around the tom cat. Mellow and likeable- it’s easy to want to spend time with the lackadaisical feline and have a chat in the warm sun. 

    >> Vain: Duckbelly values his beauty and sees himself as an extremely stunning cat. He knows he has beautiful fur, and lovely colors. However since he received his scar he has been extremely insecure about his looks as he feels it really diminishes his value and how others see him. His vanity is easy to see as Duckbelly is often grooming himself and tries to hide his eye scar with his fur or flowers when he can.

negative >

    >> Disconnected: Even Duckbelly’s closest friends will never truly know the real and deep soul of Duckbelly. He keeps everyone at a ten foot distance from his feelings to protect himself. He fears the loss of loved ones after losing his family and does not wish to feel such loss again. He can seem distant, uncaring and unwilling to share feelings with others. This insecurity keeps him from making genuine connections with others. It’s a trait he will hopefully grow out of over time. 

    >>Aloof/Lazy: Duckbelly is unbelievably lazy. It was a surprise to everyone that he ever even graduated from being an Apprentice with how unenthusiastic and unhelpful he can be during hunts or patrols. Some think that maybe Duckbelly had been a Kittypet before he was ever a Clan cat-  but reality is he is just extremely lazy and uncaring despite his outward persona. 

    >> Flirty: Duckbelly’s unsasable flirtatious nature is his biggest flaw. He so desperately wants to be loved and adored by others that he feels the only way to achieve that is to steal the hearts of others. His flirty nature is not very genuine and often leads to others misinterpreting his intentions. He often doesn’t even actually care for the other person, just wants them to care about him. He is selfish and disregards the feelings of others. Duckbelly has a pretty bad reputation for this trait. 


 parents >
    >> Mother: Swanwhisker (A white she-cat with a ginger tail, and ears with stripes and grey eyes.)
    >> Bio Mother: Sunheart (A larger flame point she-cat with bright blue eyes and a nicked ear.)

siblings >
    >> Finchpaw (A small brownish ginger she-cat with grey eyes and stripes..) DECEASED

    >> Goosepaw (A larger grey pointed tomcat with blue eyes.) DECEASED

mate >
    >> name > short description

kits >
    >> name > short description

extended >

mate >None
    previous mates >None
    romantic interests >Hostadash, Ashtalon, Pollenswipe, Hazestorm, Gloomthorn, just about anyone tbh...
    looking for >He's got no chill. He will look for ANYTHING.

likes in a potential mate >
    > Anyone >Anyone
    > Everyone >Everyone
dislikes in a potential mate >
    >Unintelligent folks >Boring personalities
   > Unkept pelts >Too mean

interested in kits >Not right now
preferred family size > Smaller


7 / 10


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6 / 10


8 / 10


4 / 10


4 / 10



3 / 10


5 / 10


8 / 10


5 / 10


5 / 10


Den Building

7 / 10


6 / 10


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0 / 10


0 / 10


kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >


Swanwhisker and Sunheart were childhood rivals. They both were inseparable friends and got along really well. As Apprentices they got into trouble and had plenty of adventures together. They ever really saw each others as love interest until they were in their 30’s and someone confessed their love to Swanwhisker. Sunheart admitted they were jealous that Swanwhisker had been confessed to- but not because Sunheart hadn’t received an admirer- no it was because she had grown feelings for Swanwhisker and didn’t want her to be with someone else. 

Swanwhisker and Sunheart were hesitant to date, but they gave it a go and grew closer than ever. Their love was strong and the two were happy for a long time. They finally decided to have a litter of kits and were blessed with three adorable kits whom they named Finchkit, Duckkit, and Goosekit. The kittens were well loved by their parents and all was right with the world. 

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >

As the three kits reached the age of Apprentices they all received a mentor and Duckpaw was given Oakleaf. The older and grumpy she-cat had litter tolerance for Duck’s antics and the two were constantly bickering and arguing. Not the best pair for a mentor and Apprentice duo- but they grew to have a somewhat working relationship. However not everything stayed so good. Finchpaw was injured in an incident during a hunt and was crippled. Duckpaw and Goosepaw did their best to support their sister, but her health declined and she died within two moons passing. Goosepaw and Duckpaw missed their sister, but knew it was best they kept her in their memories and did their best to become good Warriors. 

Oakleaf was asked to take Duckpaw and Goosepaw out on a hunt near the Rouge Shroud border. Oakleaf was a strong Warrior and with Duckpaw and Goosepaw only a moon or two from becoming Warriors themselves, they knew they would be fine. But they didn’t think they would stumble upon the rogue they did. The huge cat was like a lion- and he challenged the three to their prey they caught. Oakleaf instructed the Apprentices to grab their food and to just head back home and ignore the rogue. But he didn’t like that. The savage rogue attacked Goosepaw and Duckpaw- nearly clawing out one of Duckpaw’s eyes! Goosepaw threw himself into the attacker trying to protect his brother when he was quickly snatched by the throat and killed instantly. Oakleaf yowled, hoping a neighboring patrol would hear and attacked the rogue, killing him quickly. She frantically looked over Duckpaw who was traumatized and begging his brother to get up. Oakleaf ended up nearly dragging Duckpaw back to camp to see Waverose where he was told his vision in the left eye wouldn’t be the same but he was not blind so he was lucky. He felt sick thinking that he was lucky when he saw what that thing had done to his brother. After being patched up, his parents and his mentor had retrieved Goosepaw’s body back and they held vigil over him. Duckpaw would never forget that day. He felt guilty like he didn’t deserve to be saved by Goosepaw. Maybe it should have been him that died and not Goosepaw. But his thoughts were shaken when Oakleaf told Duckpaw that he was doing Goose a disservice by blaming himself. He would want Duck to live and thrive, and not live in the past. It took some time but Duckpaw grew after the death of his brother and received the name Duckbelly when he graduated. 

warriorhood [ 12 -TBA ] >

A lot happened after Duckbelly was made a Warrior. He saw many cats go missing and many die. It was shocking to him when it was revealed that there had not only been spys within CloudClan, but their own Deputy had been one of them. A seed of mistrust grew within the clans and CloudClan was kind enough to take in HailClan refugees that Duckbelly had no issues flirty with. 

Luckily things got better after Blizzardfang was defeated and HailClan returned to their home. Duckbelly spends most of his days with his clanmates and avoiding the Rogue and kittypet border. 



Finchpaw {Sister | CloudClan | Dead}

  My sister. Rest easily my sweet sister.

Goosepaw {Brother | CloudClan | Dead}

  I wish sometimes you had not saved me. I wish you were alive instead of me. But you aren't... so I have to keep going or else I know you would be ashamed of me. So for you I will.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  •  Naps
  •  Flowers
  •  Slacking
  •  Small swims
  •  Being admired<3
  • When people mention his scar
  • Being pressured
  • Too many trees
  • Too much heat
  • Rogues
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  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)
  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)
  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)

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