
Names to Consider:


Design Touch-Ups:
- I want to add some salmon/orange to the white head fin on her since it looks kinda out of place with all her other fins having both white and salmon/orange on them.
- Make her horn blend into her patterns just a bit better.
- Make the edges of her fins a bit more translucent.
- Add a little iridescence to the translucent parts of her fins.
- Fix her hip fins so they're not going outward to match the canonical Zora designs better.
- Give her actual Zora hands and feet.
- Make her skirt and sleeves sheer.
- Alter her outfit a bit to make it look a little more Zora-like to match up with the games a bit more.
- Same with her accessories too; alter them just a bit to look a little more canon.
- MAYBE???? Add some breast fins like the other adopt she was coupled with had??? Cause they're really pretty??? Depends on how they'd look with her top.