


11 months, 7 days ago






Date of Birth


MudPeak (Peakwing/Mudwing Hybrid)


Mammoth is a kind and soft soul, a dragon with alot to say but the voice of a coward. Mammoth is an only child who is rasied by her icewing father Saber. She keeps out of trouble within the icewing kingdom and contributes when she can. She has many talents, from baking, cooking, crocheting, sowing, all sorts of artistic talents to list. Her favorite hobby is reading stories and even writing her own. Despite all of this, Mammoth is a cursed dragon destined to destory the moons and their souls.


  • Mammoths and Saber tooth tigers
  • Reading late at night
  • A soft morning sun
  • Jewelry
  • Soul Sprites


  • The dark night
  • Caramel
  • White chocolate
  • Tight spaces
  • Flying


  • Mammoth has a green thumb but only for flowers oddly...
  • She hates flying due to how much energy it takes, she rather glide around or simply walk
  • Secretly loves playing the harp and singing but is shy about it
  • Visits her mothers grave sometimes
  • Hates the moons

Design Notes

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Three Moons

Ever since her birth, Mammoth was cursed with bad luck. Being the child of a her mother's one night stand, presented haterd and a broken home in an instant. Mammoth not understanding why this was brought onto her everyday made her more and more of a coward. Till the day her mother was taken by the claws of her father, an icewing named Saber. With his fatherly love grew and vowed to protect his daughter, even if she was not of blood to him, he did not care.

How exactly is Mammoth cursed and why? The moons had cursed her existence as of her butterfly affect on the future, what they believe are the tragedies caused of her birth and a harmful soul. Is this to be true by the three queens? Or was it all corruption and cruel judgement on an innocent soul? Even so, the moons had cursed the hybrid allowing her to destroy and absorb souls from mortals. She steals these souls in her dreams she has every full three moons, unknowingly thinking these dreams have no meaning. She stores all these souls within her own body, this does not affect her at all (for now) Her own soul is corrupted and needs of others souls to not become a husk.

Three Suns

Mammoth and her father, Saber. Have what is said to be the closest bond a father and daughter could have. After Saber had saved Mammoth from his abusive wife and accidentally took her life, Saber had vowed his love and life to supporting his daughter. Life in the moutains got harder as of caring for a child and trying to bring back a ncie supply of food, this was until Saber had written to his sister, the new Icewing Queen, Snow Bird. As of passing from their mother, Snow Bird took place on the throne is a well loved ruler. Snow Bird knew of her brothers life on the run and gladly took him back in, but only as a noble and not offical of the royal family.

While the moons don’t favor her, the three suns took a liking in her endeavors and existance. They believed the moons cursed an innocent soul and gave blessings to Mammoth to favor her, though this was not enough compared to the moons power. The suns fight for the hybrid and cause conflict within the stars.

The Stars

It was by chance when Mammoth had met Solaria, a dragon blessed by the moons and given proper judgement. Mammoth had become a regular customer for Solaria's lovely creations of wind chimes and gems that almost seemed to glow. Solaria and Mammoth became more aquainted with each other as time went on and at times Mammoth had even joined Solaria on a trip that circled from the Kingdom of Sand back to the Ice Kingdom. Not a huge trip but during this time, Mammoth and Solaria learned of eachothers up bringings.

Solaria spoke of how the moons judged Mammoth and warning Solaria of the dragon. This had shocked Mammoth and it was then discovered of what it truly meant of Mammoth's soul and her dreams. Solaria believed of Mammoth as a good dragon and did not deserve such a harsh punishment, pleading with the sky to help Mammoth with this curse but with no reply. Now Solaria and Mammoth keep this secret as Solaria finds a way to put an end to Mammoth's cursed dreams all the while Mammoth cries and pleds to the moons and stars every night to give her another chance to take this curse away. " I am no murderer! " She would cry. The moons never answered her plea.

Solaria OxenFree [ Friends ]

Solaria and Mammoth over all have a sisterly bond, there is tons of care for each other. They are constant pen pals, always writing to one another! Even due to Solaria's faith and service to the moons, their friendship blossomed quickly.

Name Surname [ relationship ]

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Name Surname [ relationship ]

The icon is sticky! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


The morning light When it comes to me
It was there but I could not see Am I to wander
Will the hunter be hunted By the smoking gun?
May I stand unshaken Amid, amidst a crash world