


10 months, 21 days ago


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ALIASES: Vero (nickname and past life name)

SPECIES: Half Human, Half Entity

STATUS: Alive (Veronica)
                Deceased (Vero)

AGE: ???




HEIGHT: 6'0 / 182cm

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Medium-length black hair, skin as fair as snow and iris' the colour of amethysts.
Her clothes would vary in style; see aesthetics light and dark academia but change the brown tones to darker shades of brown, blue, green and most often, black.

Her face remains the same as it's always looked, fair, and beautiful, whilst the rest of her body is a dead grey, most likely to do with her body 
that's been decomposing but preserved with the entity's ability

Description: Vero
 Sweet, caring - adored music and was a musician at heart. Romantic and light-hearted. Cheerful and was adored by most. She also loved photography and filmography, capturing a beautiful moment whilst it lasted was like preserving a feeling within a moment in time, and Vero couldn't get enough of capturing the beauty in even the simplest of things....and places.

Description: Veronica
Cold, the spitting image of Vero. A seemingly warm smile, but with a gaze as dark as the abyss. Although she looked like Vero, she clearly wasn't the same cheerful soul as she once was.


Back when she was Vero, she lived as a normal teenage girl in the 1960s. She had a good social reputation - everyone knew who Vero was and she was adored by many, 

But Vero also kept many secrets from those around her, like her highschool sweetheart, [REDACTED]. She'd always sneak away to visit her darling every night 
and would comfort and love them until the sun rose. Until one day, it was planned that Vero were to meet up with [REDACTED] one night. 
Vero planned to propose to [REDACTED] that night, and had told them to dress up in their nicest outfit and meet up at a special place. 
When Vero arrived, there they were; their clothes shimmering under the moonlight as if they were made out of diamonds. 
And to Vero, they were more special and beautiful than what any diamond could be. Vero took out the ring in her pocket and held it tightly in her hand. 
She held up her camera and put [REDACTED] within her camera's field of view. To capture this wonderful moment, she took one last picture.


Before Vero knew, she awakened in a series of rooms -  a yellow tint to the walls and a brown carpet as flooring. 

The lights, a crystal white temperature, which made the place all the more unnerving and strange. Vero wasn't sure if she liked it here or hated it, 
but whatever she was feeling, it didn't stop her from recording every single moment of her journey through these peculiar rooms.

Determined to find a way out, she desperately went through all of the levels imaginable of these backrooms, 

successfully getting passed every entity in every round, being injured, chased, Vero had seen it all. At the last set of spiral stairs, 
Vero finally stood on what seemed to be grass. She looked around her, an unnatural meadow of flowers and grass, a lit up blue sky, but no sign of the sun. 
Suddenly a door appeared infront of her and walked to it. It led to the same yellow tinted walls, and brown carpet flooring. 
The very floor, she had first arrived. For the first time, Vero wanted to die. Vero had lost all hope and sanity, 
the light in her eyes and soul drained within her as she slowly closed the door and stood there as the door disappeared. 
Again, she stood in the same meadow, with endless miles of daisies, dandelions and plastic grass. 
She held her battered up camera and looked down at it with a dull stare. The colour slowly faded from all around her, until it was monochrome.

A hand made of sunlight suddenly reached for her shoulder and her eyes widened.

The battered camera falls to the ground and a recording device impacts the floor, causing a voice recording to play.

"If I don't make it in time, I'm sorry, moonlight. I couldn't make it to you in time. 
May our Lord and Saviour send you my regards, and may I always remain in your heart, just as you are in mine."
Vero's last words.

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lovebug - run run run
the caretaker - libets delay
aphex twins - alberto balsalm
mareux - the perfect girl
yves tumor - limerence
izzamuzzic - shoutout

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All rights to this character belong to

