
10 months, 29 days ago

Basic Info








defiant, confident, arrogant. Mocks others unless that is actively unfavorable to him. Extremely dedicated to his work, doesn't fear anyone and trusts his capacities.


doctor (totally)

Theme song

Bernadette by IAMX


biology, messing with others, showing off


the Witch, obstacles, discractions

Voice claim

Undertaker from Black Butler (English VA)


Kali is my favorite OC I'm not even going to lie to you. 

He/him but idc, he's married

Evil scientist who is trying to make a functional artificial body, his motivation is that he knows he can do it and he's going to prove it to you. So spite (especially of his mentor, who kicked him out when she figured his morals were way too messed up)

He's like 60 and has replaced many of his organs because he can just make them. He uses corpses as the material to make his prototypes so he goes graverobbing a lot. 

He's a supposed doctor of a town that's quite isolated and supplied by contaminated water, which makes him have a lot of patients. Of course the townspeople don't know of his plans but even if they find out he has no problem with killing them and just saying they died of illness. 

I love him so much 

Childhood - the Witch

   Kali was found as a child by the polluted river, taking dead fish and trying to find out how the animals worked by cutting them open, and ripping parts of some and adding them to others with what tools he could find in the trash and dirt. The Witch, who found him, was concerned for this scrawny, abandoned child aswell as curious about their investigative nature, and so she took him back to her house in the middle of the ghost-infested woods.

   The witch gave Kali the tools he'd need to satisfy his curiosity and fulfill his potential, the Witch was thrilled and always let him work independently, aiding him whenever necessary and teaching her methods. She also taught her some of her own basic skills, like alchemy and divination, although Kali was not quite good at the second one.

  • Kali's pass times

   Kali's activities consisted off of studying dead animals inside and out, learning human anatomy, reading eery book he could get his hands on and modifying animal skeletons, along with the occasional taxidermy and modelling of body parts out of organic materials and clay.

Adolescence - fascination for the dead

   As he grew up, Kali ventured into the woods often and had some encounters with ghosts and spirits, which gave him a vague interest on the beings. He asked the Witch for knowledge on the subject, asked what kind of interactions one could have with them, and she told them they were forces best left undisturbed and taught him a repelling ritual and spell. Kali accepted this without saying more, but he was not left satisfied.

  He read and read, and getting creative he learned to use objects and props to subvert the Witch's repelling rituals and spells, until he wasable to briefly communicate to a spirit by voice. The euphoria of a successful experiment done all on his own overtook Kali and he knew he wanted to do more.

   And so, Kali decided to combine his hobbies. He became more dedicated to studying the beings around him, not just learning the functions of organs and the relations between the parts of an organism but also learning where life ended and begun, physically, aswell as what he could reproduce by hand and how.

   Noticing the increase on Kali's absence, isolation and concentration, the Witch begun to wonder what her student could be up to. When he said he wanted to make an artificial body suitable to carry a spirit, she was taken aback to say the least. It was a big jump from pinning insects and most of all, a crime against nature. She'd done everything to raise Kali to respect his surroundings and to use his capacities for good, so she was quite hurt and tried to convince him that this was not something he could do, both morally and in any other way.

   Kali felt betrayed, since she'd always supported him and this was sudden for him and he also took it as the Witch  doubting his capacities. However, he arrogantly proclaimed that he was perfectly capable to reach his goal, and that he woould show her. The wise Witch was unsure of what to do.

Adult - banishment

     As Kali showed his arrogance towards all of the Witch's attempts to sway him from his goals, the two became more and more distant. Kali became resentful and spiteful, often calling his mento names and the Witch became disappointed, sad and afraid. Mainly afraid of what she might have to do.

   The day it all snapped was when the Witch found the body in Kali's room. Young, warm and fleshy, but lifeless. Kali had used human body parts to tailor a body fit for new, foreign life. 

  Upon making this discovery, the Witch finally drove her apprentice whom she'd had so much faith on out of her house for good, unable to hurt him to put an end to his creations as he was like family to her and too much talent to be wasted, which he gladly accepted, as now she wouldn't hold him back. The witch kept the body, undecaying, so that it could not be used for the wrong ends.

Appearance notes

  1. Long hair - despite Kali's lack of self care, his hair is smooth and knot free. If anything it'ss a bit dusty and blood stained at the bottom.
  2. Black eyes - a  mark given by the spirits Kali has forsaken at the start of his career, a supposed warning for people not to trust him. It didn't work.
  3. Sharp, uneven teeth - his teeth got broken and ripped manytimes by angry spirits. He used to replace them correctly but at the third time he just put in whatever fit.
  4. Green line on chest - a surgery line for his heart to get removed by Deion if he dies before him. A promise that says "my heart is yours". The romance is in how the heart isan important organ, not in the heart itself.
  5. Rib jewelry - a gift from Deion made from his own ribs.
  6. Stitched fingers - they've been ripped off by spirits many times and burned by acid or poison a few, Kali recreates them and stitches them. There is one that Deion ripped and Kali didn't restitch.
  7. Rings - most are meaningless, one is his wedding ring, made from one of Deion's old teeth.
  8. Belt - has some of Kali's tools in the back of it.