


11 months, 15 hours ago


Real name: Zack Rubio

15 years old

5’1 ft


Any pronouns


Physical Strength: 4.6
Special Strength: 2.5
Defense: 5.8
Special Defense: 5
Intelligence: 3.5
Cooperation: 7
Agility: 6.2

Morality: 6.9

Zack is the spider man of Earth-220375 and has been spider man for only 4 months.

Just like everyone else, they were bitten by a radioactive spider when they were walking around at night with their dad at the park. Her dad got concerned that she got bitten by a spider but they tried not to think much of it. The next day Zack woke up with powers even getting their hand stuck to a wall while panicking. She called her dad and he helped free her hand.

Therefore, Zacks father, older sibling, best friend, and partner know about them being spider-jaws and support her. Her sibling even helped her with her spider man costume design.

Sadly some bad things happened to Zack after becoming spider-jaws. She couldn’t save her best friend Jaxie when their school caught on fire and treasures the matching necklace they have gotten. Although Zack isn’t as sad about the death, they still miss them everyday and visit their grave twice every month with flowers or plushies.

Zack is very nice and a little chaotic compared to other spider men but gets a little scared still when fighting since she is still learning more attacks and getting used to hiding her identity especially at such a young age. She eventually gets invited into the spider society by Miguel after he comes to her universe and helps her return a rare gem back to the museum.

Zack makes a good amount of friends in the society and eventually encounters her dead best friend from another universe where Jaxie became spider man and lost her best friend Zack in the same school fire making them both emotional and happy to see each other and immediately started to talk and bond. They even visit each others universes to hangout.

Eventually their partner was bitten by some weird dog when they went on a date only for their partner to get spider man abilities as well and helped them out a bit.