
10 months, 19 days ago


He's your yankee doodle doctor
name Samuel (Sandy) Webber
DOB 05/14/1893
AGE 25
SEX male
WEIGHT 162 lbs

code jiko


Earning his nickname from the dirty blonde hair atop his head, Sandy Webber is a doctor from Brooklyn assigned to a medical aid station in 1917. Coming from a comfortably middle class family of doctors before America's involvement, he was freshly out of college working as a surgeon specializing in orthopedic and cardiothoratic. Hailing from the Maryland Medical Institute Sandy was a rare combination of street and booksmarts, managing to keep straight A's in his classes and still having time to muck around with his buddies. He earned a well known reputation as a resident troublemaker but also proved himself very respectful in the presence of his teachers, in other words a mooch, as he was easily able to play down hairy situations with charm. Despite his outgoing personality, he was never very popular throughout his teen-young adult years.

Being heavily opposed to violence (and very blatantly stating his thoughts and feelings on the war when it broke out) Sandy would often joke about "taking his practice off the grid" to avoid the possibility of being drafted. Though of course he was only able to dodge it for so long and soon after President Wilson declared the Selective Conscription Law, the young man found himself volunteering and was shipped off to a medical aid station in France in 1917. Much like many others he had little to no desire to be there but the aid station proved to be far better than the front lines. Sandy was maladjusted to the fast-pacedness at first finding it hard to keep up with his superior officers who were stationed there prior to his arrival, but was able to prove himself rather quickly as an asset to their medical staff. This was met with a lot of distain from a few higher up in rank, mainly due to Sandy's snitty behavior and sarcastic remarks towards those who attempted to impose their authority on him. Whether they liked it or not he knew how to handle himself in OR. Of course, Sandy also quickly found out had no say as to when he would be positioned as a frontline medic, and unfortunately for him his intense ability to act under pressure proved him a favorable choice in times of crisis.

Back at the aid station making friends came very easy for him, and had little to no trouble conversing or finding people to kill time with. Eventually Sandy came to grow very close with a motley gaggle of doctors: Elmer O'Donnell, Eva Pickett, Mavis Macgee, and Clyde Calvente, which he would consider his family for years to come. Even with a crew to confide in, he still fell victim to the harsh realities of war. Boredom between waves of patients, increasing pressure of the OR, and the extremely unsanitary conditions worked their way under his skin ferociously. As they marched towards 1918 and the tail end of the war Sandy wound up developing an opioid habit to keep his anxiety under wraps, starting with laudanum and eventually segwaying into morphine. Albeit it impacted his mental well-being far more than his performance in the operating room, he harbored extreme guilt in his coping mechanism and it would not come to light till he was reunited with his parents in 1922. All in all Sandy does his best to make light of the situation at the station, and he often finds himself amongst his buddies engaging in ludicrous ploys in an attempt to keep entertained.

clam chowder, Chaplin, Lucky Strike cigarettes, plain milk, lavender, marmalade, breakfast sausages, George Gershwin, Sherlock Holmes novels, peppermint, long baths, mixed nuts
bugs, heights (suddenly he's swallowed a butterfly exhibit), abuse of authority, winter, interrupted naps, early mornings, almonds, burnt coffee, wasted food, earthworms

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Sandy is known for his devil-may-care attitude and is notoriously outgoing with a WILD of a sense of humor. He's quick with a joke or flirtatious retort wether the situation calls for it or not, which causes some people who aren't as light of heart to find him obnoxious. And they're completely right, he is obnoxious. (Bonus points if it's someone who outranks him, they're easy targets for this guy.) He enjoys boosting morale in his own....unique....way which hasn't earned him very many complaints just yet, but is found distasteful to those of a more serious nature. Sandy is also known for carousing in his free time with anyone willing and thanks to his silver tongue it works....sometimes...though he tends to use it as a means to distract himself from everything going on while he's off shift. He's known to love a good belt of liquor amongst friends and deems himself an "after dark alcoholic" steering clear of the stuff while he's on the clock, and has a relatively high tolerance for it.

Despite his sarcastic front Sandy is a man who cares very deeply about his friends and family. He's extremely serious about his job almost to the point that it's unhealthy, as he tends to take far too much responsibility for his patients at times. He is very composed and alert in the operating room and during high tension scenarios, but winds up placing a lot of blame on himself for things that are out of his control. He ends up bottling most of this up as he has a hard time expressing himself and his emotions seriously, tending to resort to humor or snide remarks in an attempt to sweep things under the rug. He feels heavily obligated to mantain himself as a rock for his friends and others who depend on him. That being said Sandy has a hard time opening up to just anyone but confides in those he knows he can trust, and proves himself to be a very good shoulder when it comes to giving reasonable advice.

Design Notes
  • On the stockier side--overall has an average build, soft around the midsection but dropped a lot of weight overseas
  • Hair color tapers towards the neck and gets darker at the roots
  • Well kept mustache, grows five o'clock shadow fairly quickly if he forgets to shave. Generally not very hairy on the rest of his body
  • Expressive eyes and eyebrows, you can very clearly see what he's thinking on his face (not that he tries to hide it either)
  • Not as particular about his hair as he is his mustache. Hair stays same old same old
  • Has an INSANE appetite, an absolute foodie and surprisingly great cook. Very obviously his love language. You can imagine how he acts towards rations (not well!)
  • Can run pretty fast for short distances, awful stamina
  • His laugh tends to be pretty obnoxious, especially when he's tickled about something
  • Loves to read! One of his favorite forms of entertainment. Also loves to talk about what he's read, doesn't matter to who
  • Strangely decent singer?? Little bit of a thespian too
  • Restless sleeper, has a hard time getting to sleep but once he's out he's OUT. Snores a little bit, a nuke could go off and he wouldn't move.
  • GIIIGGLY DRUNK, oh so very giggly and smiley ain't he a peach

Voice Claim
Alan Alda