


9 months, 21 days ago



Name Ramkit

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age ?????

Sexuality Unknown

Colony n/a

Rank n/a

Status ?????

Ref Sheet [ Here ]

HTML Pinky


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Ramkit was a very sweet and generous kit! He was very protective and always wanted to help out in anyway. He'd often be self-conscious and hyper aware of the world around him, leaning him towards wanting to spend time with others and making sure no one felt as 'left out' as he often felt he did.

Ramkit had times of panic and feeling unreal in the world, like something was wrong but he wasnt sure what. Maybe thats why he felt icolated despite all that loved him. Either way, most just brushed him off acting strange despite his attempts to voice his fears.



Whenever he was allowed to leave camp with an adult he loved exploring around and seeing new places around the territory!!


Ramkit loved both hearing stories from the elders and telling them!


One of his favourite things was collecting flowers he could find to give to others.


Seeing others hurt

Ramkit tried his best to help everyone to make sure they're okay! Even if he wasnt the best at it, he hated seing anyone hurt or upset


Suffering from nightmares most of the time, Ramkit had come to dread sleeping.


He was both obsessed and fearfull of the deadlands and the ... off feeling it gave him.




Before RP

Born to his loving parents, Ramkit doesn't know much outside of them but loves listening to their stories or making up silly games with them. Ramkit is unaware of the situation between his parents and Cinderpaw, nor the fact they neglected Cinderpaw for so long. He doesn't quite understand why they cant be a family but never wants him to feel left out. All he knows is his brother is awesome and his parents love him but hopes to explore the world someday!!

During RP

All throughout kithood Ramkit had been plagued by nightmares. These mostly consisted of the desert and deadlands, causing him to be very restless and paranoid most times. He felt alone in the world despite being surrounded by the many many friends he’d made- Rabbitkit, Cuttlekit, Seashellkit and Raspberrykit. One thing that stayed true to him was his desire to help anyone and everyone, making it his personal mission to make sure no one else felt as alone as he did. His favorite activity was finding flowers to give to the elders in exchange for fun stories!

As his nightmares continued and most brushed it off as his own imagination from the silly elder stories, Ramkit fell further into depression and had convinced himself that these dreams meant something to try to justify them. He’d spend most of his time, if not out playing or finding flowers, looking out to the deadlands waiting for…something.

One late afternoon, Ramkit went out searching for flowers with a warrior called Scarletwish. They were close to the deadlands when while out of Scarletwish’s vision, he ran off chasing what he thought was a butterfly. His paws crossed over the deadlands border and he felt right where he was many times in his dream. Only this wasn't a dream. He was there and couldn't stop his paws from walking further and further until something in the distance made his blood run cold.

Coming face-to-face with some unknown monster, no screams or cries for help left in his wake.
Ramkit was never seen again.

