Lailonnie Johnson



11 months, 1 day ago


Age: 10 celebrian sweeps old (17)

blood caste: Plum-bloods (Java #4900D5)

Height: 5'2

Troll tag: Bouncydogfunneral / RAZZLE_DAZZLE34

Gender/Pronouns: prefers Astro/Astroself xneos but they them or another Neos are fine 

Sexuality: pansexual 

Sign: Voltaic 

Strife specibi: rocketlauncherkind

Typing quirk: Uses “” instead of spaces, uses slang and abbreviates words sometimes

Personality, quirks n all that shnazz:

Lailonnie (but famously know as razzle or astro) is a popular influencer on Celebrian social media even showing up on Celebrian news at one point in time.. Astro's content consists of a multitude of things they enjoy doing. Signing, dancing, drawing, painting, skating, ice skatin- the list is endless,their really talented. They could do anything if you asked them to.

Lailonnie is extremely hyper almost all the time and nimble. They are quicker than the average celebrian. Being around them is fun if you can keep up.They are fun to talk to and if you ever become friends with them their your friend for life.

Relationships: none given the current moment