Cenna Louis Recullmada



6 years, 27 days ago


Name: Cenna Louis Recullmada

Nickname: Cenny, Cen

Gender: Male

DOB: June 3rd

Zodiac: Geruusii

Age: 32

Height: 7'5 ft

Weight: 14.5 stone

Build: Muscular and tall

Element: Fire (Internalised)

Class: Berserker

Location: Keriik Village

Occupation: Surfer

Weapon(s): His surfboard

Relationship Status: Taken

Personality: Cenna is a little girl in a man's body, a very little girl with a bad attitude. He often has tantrums when he doesn't get his way and cries a lot. He can get intensely aggressive, even psychotic when he's angry. Some would say he's spoilt, others would call him insane. However, if someone even pushes him too hard he will break down and cry - left unable to do anything until he's calmed down. If people didn't resist even in the slightest, there'd be a massacre. Normally he's very sweet and loving when he's not upset about something, he can get jealous but is easily swayed away from feeling it when the people around him lavish attention on him and give him compliments. He's a little naive but not as naive as he seems.



Theme: https://youtu.be/F0kuxeMEIcg


- If not monitored he can give himself a sugar high and go a little crazy, he always hides candy everywhere.

- Can be cruel but does have remorse if his friends get upset with him.

- Doesn't ever swear, "meanie" is as far as he goes.

- Gets caught up in dumb fads. A little obsessive.

- Hates fish and seafood. Prefers cakes, candies and fruit.

- Puffs up his cheeks when he's upset without realising.

- Loves making craft things, like really bad macaroni art.

- Has over 100 charms on each of his bags.