
11 months, 14 days ago


Standing at 6'7 and weighing in at 324 pounds, it's the bug-loving beast... Tom? Oh. His name is just- it's just Tom? Not like Igknightus or Rifftide, or... or...? No? Just Tom. Alright, then. Tom is… weird, which is saying a lot considering the world he comes from. He’s more interested in his little hobbies than battling and despite having the highest stats in the party he’s one of the less hard-hitting fighters due to the fact that he just simply doesn't like fighting. He's currently attending the School of Strife, an extremely prestigius university that stands as the top battling colleges in the Sevi-Circle, which is absolutely wild since, unlike literally every other student, Tom doesn't want to go there. He's being forced to attend via scholarship due to his absolutely monumental combat potential. His strength is undeniable, and he has the potential to be the best battler (possibly of all time) if he just stopped holding back. He is currently under the tutelage of Igknightus, whose task is to bring out Tom’s inner strength. Tom, however, is more interested in spending time with his bugs.

Fightr Profile

The Cool Fact BRO
Ranking: 3,024,680
Age: 22
Stats: 6'7 (188 cm) | 324 lb | Muscular
Position: Mage
Gender: Nonbinary | He/him/his, they/them/theirs, bug/bugs
Element: Root
Weapon: Sweet-smelling Log
DoG: April 23rd


Despite his intimidating appearance, Tom is awkward as all get out. He has trouble making eye contact with people, often stutters over his words, and will occasionally interject into a conversation with something that is entirely off-topic. He is obsessed with bugs, and takes great comfort in finding, collecting, and classifying them. If he's not paying attention to you, he's probably thinking about bugs. Even when he is paying attention to you, he will sometimes interject with a random bug fact that occurred to him, often starting the sentence with his ever iconic catchphrase, "Did you know?" It’s not because they don't care about what you’re saying, though. It’s just how they relate to people. Tom does feel uncomfortable talking about his passion due to how much it was discouraged during his youth. However, bugs are still on his mind most of the time. Due to being the oldest of fourty-eight, Tom also has a quiet maturity about him and is probably the most emotionally capable out of the main cast. While their mind is often on other things, when they pay attention, they can really show themselves to be extremely empathetic and kind, even if their way of expressing these traits is unconventional.


Tom, later christened as… Tom, was born to the coolest polycule in the entire Sevi-Circle, a seven-way marriage between the BROs Sheaf, Rock n' Bull, Root Reap, Flea Keeper, Aroma Fairy P., Gorilla Warfare, and Sun Son. His biological (or I guess I should say program-wise) fathers are technically are Sheaf and Rock n’ Bull, but really he considers all seven of his dads to be equal in their parental. Tom is also the eldest child of fourty-eight brothers with two more on the way, because his family is nothing if not big. Due to this, Tom got a huge amount of love when he was a child, growing up in a environment that was nothing but loving and supportive of them and their interests.
Besides his family, Tom didn’t really have a lot of friends when he was younger. He did, however, have a pet beetle named Rocky who he cherished with his whole heart. Rocky was his best friend through and through, and inspired his love of entomology. This deep friendship with an insect was probably brought on by the fact that his parents home schooled him till the age of 12, when he was officially given the name Tom by the algorithm, ironically the same name that his parents referred to him as growing up. This event was practically unheard of in BRO history, and it forever shoved a tweenage Tom into the public eye. His parents did want him to get a more formal education in order to better fit into BRO society, as they were worried that perhaps his sheltered upbringing wouldn't aid him in the long-run. He was content to just spend time with his bugs and brothers, but unfortunately bugs was shipped off to attend a school run by the Church of the Algorithm. The school had a strict battling curriculum, and unfortunately for Tom, they were very good at it.
Tom’s biggest moment of victory was during his first ever Primary School Tournament. He had gotten to the semi-finals, but the person he was up against held nothing back. In a moment of self-defense, Tom ruptured the Earth beneath him, causing a massive sinkhole that destroyed the entire stadium. Fortunately every BRO in the stadium survived. Unfortunately, Rocky, Tom's pet beetle and dearest companion, perished. Mortified by his own strength, Tom swore that he would never battle again. However, this proved to be difficult, as the society Tom lived in was literally built upon battling as the driving force behind their entire civilization.
Tom was pressured throughout school to partake in battling, and while he did it sometimes he tried to stay out of it as much as possible, he still was entered in numerous tournaments against his will. His instructors and those working at the BBA were sure that Tom, if trained, could be a shining potential of what BROkind could be, a grand return to the good ol' days when BROs were strong, powerful, soldiers for humanity. Not using this talent wouldn't only be a huge waste, it would be an act of treason. His parents attempted to intervene, but the BBA was persistent at forcing Tom into battling. Eventually, because the BBA just won't give up, he was forcibly accepted into the School of Strife. He was assigned Igknightus as a mentor, and that's how those two met. Still, Tom in general spent most of his life on the sidelines, sort of watching others do cool stuff rather than him actually doing anything cool. This lead to a certain sense of isolation, which explains his general awkwardness. Eventually, he was roped into going on a mission with Igknightus due to it being good character building. There bugs and the gang met a certain human, and the rest is history.