
Race: Wood elf

Age: 119 years old -- fresh into elven adulthood (think 19-20 or so in human years)

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 120 lbs

Other: Female, lawful neutral 

Ka'en (kay-en) is my wizard D&D character. She has a male pet blink dog puppy named Speck with a pink collar.

Ka'en is extremely intelligent, much more than she should be.....but she entirely lacks wisdom and social skills, so she just comes off as a total airhead. She wants to make friends and tries to be friendly to everyone, but she has trouble since she often overwhelms people with her presence and/or her actions get misconstrued. Girl's got severe ADHD, honestly bordering on autism now that I think about it.

Though she is a wood elf, Ka'en didn't get much sun for a lot of her life, so she's very pale. She is slim and doesn't have much in the way of muscle. Her extremely long hair tends to get messy easily and stay wild, it's a lot of work for her to properly brush it out all the time.