Phantom Meowth⁰⁵²



6 years, 18 days ago

Basic Info


Phantom Cat Pokémon




Cursed Body or Pickpocket

Hidden Ability




A subspecies of Meowth that through preternatural forces had return from the beyond a specter. The newfound Ghost-typing allows for total stealth to the pilfering of even things nailed down. In combat the phantom feline is nigh impossible to hit due to its small, lithe stature aided by at times an immaterial body. The tatter rags on its person are burial wrappings now repurposed as a sort of binding cloth.


It is difficult to understand the inner workings of this variant other than what can be seen. A few that were captured for study are noted with these differences. Interestingly they are more alive than decease yet unable to stabilize in the material realm. Researchers suggest it may be due to atmospheric interference such as electromagnetic waves which for a time seem to be the only issue. Further studies revealed another possibility: a response to having broken the cycle of life and death. A wild hypothesis but a reasonable guess none the less. Regardless the somewhat tangible form is able to detect the supernatural with keen precision. Notably the wisps that once were its whisker plume differently related to unseen atmospheric fluctuations than mood.


  • It is believed that feline Pokemon have nine lives and if one is lost there is a chance said Pokemon may return albeit differently.
  • Returned from death wiser than before these Meowths strive to perfect their means of thievery to be master class earning them the nickname "Phantom Thief".


Health Points
Attack ↑
Defense ↓
Special Attack
Special Defense
Speed ↑

Type Effectiveness

To have returned from the grave has granted Meowth a second typing and funnily an immunity to its former, but is weak to more than one type as a tradeoff.


As with others of the same species its attacks are mostly physical with few status-inducing and fewer that are special. Where this subspecies excels is in hit-and-run tactics while hindering the target with conditions and status effects.

Evolution / Forms

Although it has been documented that ghost-type Pokémon can evolve this Meowth for some reason cannot... or perhaps the means to has yet to be discovered?