✩ tango



11 months, 15 days ago











Song Title 1

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Introduction · · ·

This box will scroll when filled with content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec semper purus, consectetur mattis urna. Nulla arcu odio, dictum quis tristique quis, viverra elementum turpis. Sed sit amet scelerisque orci. Donec ornare elementum pharetra. Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet curabitur tempor vel lectus.

Vivamus vitae ligula ligula. Aenean non sem eget dui vehicula laoreet. Vestibulum magna est, consequat in fermentum eu, sodales sit amet sem. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vestibulum id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis in non urna.


  • His gf<3
  • Swamps
  • Foggy days
  • Night

  • Void
  • Fake friends
  • Frogs
  • Loud noises

Personality · · ·

Tango is pretty much an introvert, he's really sweet though. he doesn't interacting with mostly anyone except for SOME close friends and his gf, he's sometimes annoyed of some things, for example: that weird ass cat void that keeps haunting him woooooouuhhh. he likes to spend time with his gf, also he and his gf are like the moon and the sun :333 he's the moon btw.

Positive Trait

Really sweet.

Negative Trait

Not rlly sure how to talk with anyone else.

Neutral Trait

Quiet in public spaces.

Neutral Trait

Really loud when talking to close ones.

Stats · · ·









· · ·

I'm gonna shove you off a cliff if u don't SHATAP!!!!!

Trivia · · ·

He loves his gf a lot.
He doesn't know any of his familly.
Really insecure abt his ears, but happy when someone compliments them.
Keeps rethinking his existence.
Uuuooohhh fluffy tail chomp
His scars are from sh [gasp!!!!]

Backstory · · ·

Tango just came out of nowhere, he got found by some felines, his childhood was cool, he played with his friends most of the time and sneak out to try to get on top of biiigggg trees, he liked doing that. But one time he slipped and fell and he couldn't move his paw for weeks but after it healed, he got a little embarassed to talk to anyone, he stopped sneaking out with his friends, etc.

After some years, he was a teen and he meet his soon to be gf, they both got rlly well, even though she was more extroverted, he didn't mind that, soon after some time, one of his VERY close friends died next to him in his sleep due to cancer, he got even more introverted and decided to cut himself off from social life for a while, in that time he build a nest that could fit him, and got all the resources he needed, some herbs, food, water, etc. he got many panic attacks by the time he was there, and only self harm could calm him down, like a few months later he came back to his friends, then after a while of being there, his gf asked him out, and yeeaa he said yes wooohooo.

Subheader · · ·

Tango's parents left him in an jungle forest, without anything, if he didn't get found he'd prob be dead of starvation or some animal would eat him.

The world tango's in there's all sorts of biomes, animals, etc. the most common biome is jungle forest, and there's a lot of big cats, normal cats, etc. there's also animal hybrids.

Tango didn't have any panic attacks after he got back, so he didn't do self harm either.

Subheader · · ·

His close friend, .

Suspendisse vulputate felis a velit ultricies porttitor. Suspendisse maximus maximus metus id lacinia. Nam commodo tempor nulla, mattis lacinia eros tristique vel. Maecenas dolor sapien, tempus in mauris eu, consectetur iaculis odio. Fusce cursus fringilla orci, et luctus nisi. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vestibulum id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. In non urna erat. Nam luctus est eget ex dictum, a rhoncus eros.

Links · · ·

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec semper purus, consectetur mattis urna. Nulla arcu odio, dictum quis tristique quis, viverra elementum.

Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet. Curabitur tempor vel lectus sit amet porttitor. In non urna erat.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec semper purus, consectetur mattis urna. Nulla arcu odio, dictum quis tristique quis, viverra elementum.

Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet. Curabitur tempor vel lectus sit amet porttitor. In non urna erat.

Character Name

Suspendisse vulputate felis a velit ultricies porttitor. Suspendisse maximus maximus metus id lacinia. Nam commodo tempor nulla, mattis lacinia eros tristique vel. Maecenas dolor sapien, tempus in mauris eu, consectetur iaculis odio. Fusce cursus fringilla orci, et luctus nisi. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vestibulum id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. In non urna erat.

code by 00Ishikawa00