


6 years, 1 month ago


Sigvard.God of games and excitement. 

Travels around the world, offering travelers to play with him. If a person has won - Sigvard fulfills any wish, if loses - he is eaten up. He knows a lot of games. Favorite - Liar's dice, chess, card games, shell game, dominoes. Can summon the necessary things from the "pocket dimension" which is contained in the flask. Sometimes accept as a bet some rare thing if Sigvard interested in it. Can see greedy people. 

Immortal, injuries quickly regenerate. Has good eyesight and hearing. Doesn’t need water, food and sleep. The masks on his neck express different emotions: mask on the face changes on other with the help of illusion. 

-Can’t revive the dead(but can summon for a short time spirit of the deceased). 

-Hates deceivers and cheaters. Very angry when he is deceived and cruelly punishes for that. 

-Likes when someone teaches him new games. 

-Likes to collect rare things and handmade cards, chessmen and dices. 

-Appreciate fair play and hard games. 

-In his spare time he likes to chat in taverns with others.

-Likes pumpkin juice