Matsuura Thoki



11 months, 20 days ago


Name: Matsuura / 松浦

First name: Thoki / トキ

Pronouns : He/his

Family: Matsuura Yazaro (father), Matsuura Metori (mother)

Age: 217

Date of birth: September 7, 1902

Astrological sign: Virgo

Height: 195cm

Sexual orientation: Homosexual

School: Unknown

Blood group: O-

mutation : purple eyes

Power of birth: immortality

Power Received: None

Magical/hero/villain Name: None

"When you live that long, it's wiser to remember the best memories. If I spent my time cursing those who hurt or persecuted me, and dwelling on the bad times, my immortality would be even less bearable." =Thoki, chapter 101

Uchiri Family's butler since 10 generations.

He had black hairs before, but they became grey since his 50'

He's cutting his wrist and throat a lot because he want to die but he can't.

He have been taken by a laboratory in the 2000s and have been experienced on. But the Uchiri family saved him.

He's Nakamara's lover and totally ok about his other relationship with Teiji.

He's sweet, caring and tender, seems to never get upset... but you rather not make him upset.

Nakamara have been kidnapped once when he was a kid. Thoki got mad, found him and his kidnapper, he actually killed them all, violently. (see last image)

He's not afraid of anything since he can't die.

He likes Nanaya as his own son.

His favorite color is black

His favorite animal is dog

His favorite flavor is black tea

His complete personnal story with Yontaro chapter 99/100

Tiktoks about/with him :

-Why are you cutting thoses flowers?

-I want my daddy

-Do you know me?

-Mary on a cross

-Yeah he's fine

-Angry Thoki