Soma Yuto



11 months, 14 days ago


Name: Sōma / 相馬

First name: Yūto / ゆうと

Pronouns : She/her

Family: Unknown

Age: 18

Date of birth: July 12, 2102

Astrological sign: Cancer

Size: 163cm

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

School: Aitori

Blood group: A+

Mutation : None

Power of birth: None

Power received: animals talking

Magical Name: Whiskerella

Her guardian is Tatsui

Yuto is a really extremely shy girl. She can't even make a complete sentence without stuttering.

She's complexed by her enormous breast and wears bras that are too small for her, hoping that will make them look smaller.

Once in the story, an accident is going to make her exchange her body with Kotaro and he's going to be upset about how she treat her own body.

She's in the same school of Nanaya and Kotaro since kintergarden but Kotaro don't remember it, because her mother forced her to color her hairs in black.

She tried once to help Nanaya against his bullies, but she was way too shy to stand up.

Kotaro called her "airbag" when they were in middle school. Now he calls her "Snow-white" because she can talk to animal thanks to her magical's power.

Her favorite color is yellow

She love all animals. But the small ones are her favorites

Her favorite flavor is banana