Ogami Tomeo



11 months, 14 days ago


Name: Ogami / 拝み
First name: Tomeo / トメオ
Family: Ogami Taruki (father), Popelin Anne-Sophie (mother), Futaki Amaya (cousin)
Age: 18
Date of Birth : October 15, 2102
Astrological sign: Libra
Height: 170cm
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
School: Saurity
Blood group: A+
Mutation : Heavy body, grey hairs
Birth power: Earthquake (mineral control)
Power received: none
Hero name: Sisma

Tomeo first hated Nanaya and even hurt him on purpose during training.

But he finally make amends and even fall in love with him.

He argues a lot with Kotaro, they're actually frienemies. He like to annoy Kotaro and usually calls him "doggie".

His parents own a restaurant called "Petite France" and serving french dishes. His mother is french. He often help them at the restaurant on the weekends and holidays.

His parents don't have powers or even mutations.

His body is super heavy, like he was actually made or rocks and become heavier with years.

He's struggling a lot to control his power.

After his fight against Static, chapter 85, his body ends up covered with Lichtenberg figure scars

His favorite color is grey

His favorite animal is bearded dragon

His favorite flavor is spicy things

Tiktok about/with him :

-Bring the corset
