Ryou Kenzaki



11 months, 19 days ago

Basic Info

Online Name





Nara, Japan

Digimon Partner


Digivice Color



Daichi Kenzaki (father), Haruna Kenzaki (mother), Genki Kenzaki (older brother), Motoki Kenzaki (older brother)


Ryou Kenzaki

An impulsive girl who wears her heart on her sleeve, and doesn't respect authority very much. Ryou is boisterous and energetic, and tends to joke around a lot. For better or worse, she can't shut up sometimes. While she has a sharp tongue, making her come across as more rough than she is, Ryou means well and is protective over others, as she hates seeing people hurt, however this doesn't mean she will back down from a fight. She also has a fondness for self-indulgent isekai manga, which she is a little embarrassed about, and really likes drawing, doodling her notebooks full with little anime chibis, but that doesn't really go beyond a simple pastime. 

Ryou has a good relationship with her family, especially with her brothers, although they like to baby her sometimes. While she does sometimes get into dumb arguments with her parents, they always make up like ten minutes later. At school, Ryou has a reputation of being a bit of a delinquent. Skipping class, falling asleep during school hours, and ending up in fights a lot. After being badly beaten once, the model student of her class came to help her, patching her up and giving her some advice about "being truly strong is knowing when to not pick battles.", and since then Ryou's been kinda gay and trying to better herself for some acknowledgement from her...