


11 months, 13 days ago


The Basics.

 Name. Manzanitadawn.

 Age. 35 Moons.

 Gender. Nonbinary Molly.

Pronouns. She/hers, they/theirs.

Orientation. Bisexual, molly preference.

Affiliation. Bloomclan.

The Specifics.

Description. A long, but thinly-haired dilute tabby calico molly with olive green eyes. Her right ear is pierced in two places towards the bottom, and from them dangle earrings made of preserved, pink bell-shaped flowers. The white of her fur is streaked with light pinks and yellows and blues, dyes made from mashing flowers, stems, and leaves in water and painting them upon herself.

Personality. A relatively new transplant to the nursery, Manzanitadawn has truly found her calling and is praised for her patience and compassion towards those who call the nursery walls their home, even temporarily. She particularly excels at calming rowdy kits and easing disputes, as her soft-spoken yet firm tone and patient explanations are enough to get kits to apologize to each other of their own accord. Outside of her interactions with kits, she's known for being rather reserved and quiet, even shy. She's quite an anxious individual, often filled with insecurities about her standing among her peers, whether she's of value or not, whether her parents are proud of her, and many more. Despite them, she's always willing to set aside her concerns to perform her job and care for the nursery kits and friends.

 History. Manzanitadawn's kithood and apprenticehood was peaceful- born to two mollies who loved and doted on both each other and their only kit, she grew up happy, if a bit lonely as she struggled from the very beginning to truly connect with those around her. She was made a warrior apprentice, and not long after, a warrior. She didn't notice Cicadasun's gradual decline right away, too overjoyed with the prospect of being freely allowed to leave camp whenever she pleased and being free of her apprentice duties, but she certainly noticed when Cricketmurmur was found dead in the territory, and the resulting paranoia and grief that wracked Bloomclan's leader.  When she was 24 moons, the same deer stampede that killed Blackberrypaw injured one of her mothers, who was confined to the nursery for a few moons to recover, and soon after, Dragonrise, a cat not much older than her, was named deputy.

Manzanitadawn's life felt unsteady- her mother critically, though thankfully not mortally injured, her clan's leadership seeming to fall apart. She began to spend many hours in the territories rather than camp, preferring to keep her mind occupied rather than devolve into despair. During this time, she met and fell in love with a loner who had recently arrived in the territories. They flirted and courted for several moons, and when Manzanitadawn floated the idea of the loner joining Bloomclan so they could become mates, the loner got cold feet, ending the relationship and leaving the territories. Devastated by the breakup and worried her clanmates would see her as unloyal, Manzanitadawn made the decision to join the nursery as a perma-monarch, and threw herself into her medical training as a way to cope with her own anxieties. All of those washed away, however, when she helped deliver and care for her first litter. She knew she was where she was meant to be, and although those old fears of hers haven't disappeared entirely, they're much quieter now, harder to hear over the sound of kittens bickering and playing.

Recently, with the announcement of the Seelie Court's endangerment at the hands of something or someone completely unknown, Manzanitadawn can't shake the haunting feeling of dread that's settled over her. She finds herself more entrenched in her responsibilities than normal, desperate to keep her paws, and her mind, busy.