
11 months, 5 days ago


Florian Oakes
Crystal Castles

01 — Profile

Name Florian
Nicknames gremlin audhd lizard
Age 15
Gender Female ( she/they )
Height 5'6
Birthdate October 22
Species Chinese Water Dragon mutant
Orientation. Biromantic Asexual
Occupation none

Status Alive
Worth not for sell
  • Has AUDHD

  • Helps out with Donnie as a lab assistant

  • Special intrest is Puyo Puyo

  • Doesn't talk that much for a week after the events of the Krang

02 — Personality

Florian is an absolute gremlin who is full of energy and loves the puyo puyo franchise, she also is has quite the curiosity for science and agreed to being Donnie’s lab assistant.

Florian can be quite silly and at times can have a bit of an attitude, once they realize this she will immeditely applogize.

  • Video Games

  • Science

  • Puyo Puyo

  • Donnie and the Mad Dogs

  • Hawaiian Pizza

  • Bacon Pizza

  • Large groups

  • The Krang

03 — Background

Before the mutation

Florian was just a normal human before she got mutated, she hardly had any friends because people thought they were weird and annoying.

And since Florian likes a very underated game series she hardly had anyone to talk to, so she just had herself and her brother Alex.


Her life as a human would end as Florian gets biten by an oozequito and transforms into a Chinese water dragon mutant, surprisgly she liked this kind of change as she quickly gotten used to their new looks. One day as Alex and Florian are in the streets they get confronted by the turtles, the both of them were caught stealing food and Alex had to explain why they were doing this, the two of them have a place to stay after that encounter.

The Krang

Florian grew quite fond of living with the turtles as she and Alex didn't have anywhere else to go and because they enjoyed their company, while on a mission Leo's ego gets the best of him and the key of course gets stolen by the foot. And of course this causes an argument between Raph and Leo, after Casey Jones Jr shows up and tells everyone about the Krang they would ofcourse go find the foot.

With the Krang released so much would happen, Raph sacrifices himself and gets captured by the Krang. After hearing this news Alex would worry the same would happen to Florian and they get into an argument, and then when Leo would sacrfice himself Florian was shocked. Her best friend sacrificed himself for his friends and family, Florian looks at Alex and is stunned as she never heard him cry this much. Of course Leo gets saved and everyone takes awhile to recover the events.

04 — Trivia

  • Florian has Autism and ADHD.

  • She's besties with Leo.

  • Became quite intrested in Donnie when first meeting him, became science buddies and eventually lovers.

  • Florian's favorite kind of pizza is chese.

05 — Relationships


Alex and Florian are twins and grew up with eachother, with Alex being the oldest he worries about Florian at times due to her chaotic behavior.

Florian isn't quite found of Alex being over protective of her and gets into arguments about it sometimes, but neverthless they do care for eachother.


After getting to know Donnie a lot more she felt, a bit strange. They would listen to Donnie as he rambles about his inventions and sorta found it to be, cute? Florian refused to admit it but, she might actually have feelings for Donnie.

She also found herself to be themself, she would info dump her special intrest to Donnie as was quite surprised to hear all about it. Donnie then told Florian about how he felt and they felt a bit embarrassed telling her, she said yes and now the science friends are now partners.